What Is Reiki??


What Is Reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese healing system created by Mikao Usui. The system was intended for spiritual cultivation, healing and enlightenment with no principles or doctrines tied to any specific religion.

Today, the system has involved into a healing practice that uses specific Japanese meditation practices and breathing techniques.

Reiki has been utilized as a healing technique for people in many medical settings. Reiki's success with people has opened up this healing support holistic system for animals.

What Does Reiki Do?

Reiki can:
~ Maintain health & well-being on the physical, mental & emotional level
~ Induce deep relaxation & stress relief
~ Accelerate healing for illness & injuries
~ Help abused animals heal from past mental/physical trauma
~ Compliment conventional & alternative therapies
~ Lessen the side effects of other medical treatments
~ Supports the dying process

(Source: The Animal Reiki Handbook by Kathleen Prasad and Sara Members)

Coming Soon: Reiki & Animals
Check back next week to learn more about Reiki & Animals, differences in the practice with animals (versus people) and why it is an ideal holistic therapy for animals.
