🌟 Commitment, Integrity, and the Lessons Learned from a Challenging Rooster 🌟

Today, I want to chat about a topic that resonates deeply with me and perhaps with many of you as well—commitment to our goals, maintaining integrity, and holding true to our values, especially when the going gets tough. On our homestead, commitment isn’t just…

Communicating With The Flock: The Rooster’s Role

Roosters play a pivotal role in the social structure of the chicken world. They are not just protectors but also communicators. Here’s what their behavior signifies: Crow Call: Roosters crow to announce their presence, assert their territory, and maintain flock cohesion. It’s their way…

The Protective Instinct Of Roosters

Roosters possess a strong and innate protective instinct, which plays a crucial role in the dynamics of a chicken flock. This instinct is a fascinating aspect of their behavior and has several key elements: Guardian of the Flock: Roosters are naturally inclined to act…

Dominance And Roosters

Dominance, especially in the form of aggressive behavior, is not an effective or recommended approach when dealing with chickens. Unlike some other animals, using dominance as a means of control or training can lead to various issues in a flock. Here’s why dominance doesn’t…

Taming The Storm 10/13/23

Meet Storm, my young Deathlayer rooster and a little fireball. I hatched him in April and he was a sweetheart … he was a sweetheart up until his girls started laying. One day, I went in his run with my granddaughter and he charged…

Coexisting With A Rooster

Living with a rooster can be difficult, stressful, and wonderful … all at the same time. A rooster’s number one role is to protect “his girls.” When you have a young rooster, he is learning his role and acting on instinct. My rooster Storm,…

Silence is broken

https://weekendhomesteaders.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/For-Disturbing-the-peace-at-6AM.mp4 Changing times I don’t know about you, but I do not like the time change! Neither do my chickens. The once peaceful and silent mornings are now broken with VERY early morning crowing thanks to my confused rooster. Prior to the time change,…