What’s Your Toxin Risk Factor?

What’s Your Toxin Risk Factor? Everyday exposure to toxins in the air we breathe, water we drink, and food we eat all adds up. These toxins accumulate in the body over time and can impact our health in ways big and small. Take this…

National Hairball Awareness Day

Did you know today is National Hairball Awareness Day?? It’s always the last Friday in April. Hairballs are a common condition in cats caused by self-grooming and swallowing the hair. The hairball will either pass through the digestive track or a cat will vomit…

Pet First Aid – Part 2

    To finish out the month of April and continue to honor National Pet First Aid Awareness Month, this post will cover a few more situations in which first aid could prove lifesaving for your pet. Although first aid is not a replacement…

The Queen Is Free!

This is my 2nd year keeping bees. Last year, midway through the year, my bees absconded (they all simply left) and I was left with a bare hive. It was VERY disappointing but lessons learned and on a positive note they created a good…

Sharing Reiki With My Bees

Saturday my bees arrived. One day they were living in warm GA and the next thing they know, they are on a truck with thousands of other bees headed to chilly MA. I installed the bees in the hive (on my own!) and they…

What You Need to Know About Pet First Aid

Did you know that April is “National Pet First Aid Awareness Month”? In light of this, this post will discuss some important pet first aid tips that every pet parent should have at the ready. To avoid feeling panicked and unprepared in the face…

What’s In Your Backyard 04.18.2021

We live in a rural area of Massachusetts, on 3 acres and surrounded by woods and hay fields. We set up trail cameras on our property to catch the action that we can’t regularly see. The deer, coyote, and fisher cat live in the…

What Is Reiki??

What Is Reiki? Reiki is a Japanese healing system created by Mikao Usui. The system was intended for spiritual cultivation, healing and enlightenment with no principles or doctrines tied to any specific religion. Today, the system has involved into a healing practice that uses…

Shelter Animal Reiki Association (SARA)

After recently receiving my certification in Level 1 Animal Reiki ~ Let Animals Lead Method, I am very excited to join The Shelter Animal Reiki Association (SARA) and become a SARA Practitioner. SARA is a nonprofit organization created to bring Reiki energy healing to…

The Diary of Dougal 04/13/21