About Us

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Hi! Welcome to Weekend Homesteaders! created by Tammi (that's me) and Steve (my husband), inspired and driven by Finnegan (of the Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog persuasion) and Nova (of the Dachshund/Terrier tribe, our little flock of chickens and our bees.

In 2013, Nova joined our family. A rescue from the streets of Louisiana, she was transported to MA, we saw her on PetFinder, fell in love and the rest was history. Finnegan joined our family, with the approval and blessings of Nova in 2018. Looking on PetFinder, I again fell in love when I saw Finn's photos. His eyes had me coming back to look at his photos every day and after 2 weeks we applied to adopt him. And again, the rest is history. He joined our family and changed our lives.

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I have a diverse background and love working with people and animals. I worked with horses in many capacities over the years and grew up with lots of animals. I'm the mom of 4 and grandmom of 8. From web designer, cord blood educator, doula and childbirth educator in the 90s, to college, law school, massage therapy, polarity, CBD educator, reiki practitioner, affiliate marketer and professional coach, I have worked hard to expand my knowledge and experience in many areas.

Working full time, raising my chickens and bees, and working multiple side hustles, I have learned to utilize my time to it's fullest and it's paying off. With the right mindset and good time-management skills, anything is possible! I know, I'm living it.

To sum up my background, from 2009 - 2011, I halfheartedly tried to start my own business but was living on my divorce settlement, which covered the expenses that I wasn't earning. In 2011, all my money had run out. I luckily found a job at the last minute but it was entry level and I barely survived on the income. I was always behind on the bills and was living about 2 months behind the eight ball. After 2 years of struggle I was offered a new position with personal/business coaching and I jumped on the opportunity. The position was the opportunity but the coaching provided me the tools for success. After that there was no looking back. Today, my life is the life I once dreamed.

I love my job and what I do. I work from home, I can see my chickens and bees and lots of trees from my home office window ... my dogs and cats sleep under my desk ... hard work and a positive mindset gave me this opportunity. I learned a long time ago how to manage my time and that has been key to my success. Whether in a office, on the road or in my home office, I maintain a schedule. Following my schedule allows me to not only get my "work" done but leaves me time to also focus on my passions ... my family, chickens, dogs, gardening, bees ... making soap, canning, digital content creator, influencer, coaching ... and more.

I am excited to share my knowledge, experiences, tips, and journey with you. Anything is possible!

As an influencer, I am now able to fund and expand my chicken projects. If you want to learn how I'm doing it ... check this out.

By Simply relaxing, being quiet, breathing and having a heartfelt intention to help another being, you create a sacred space. In this space, all things are possible.
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