8 Advantages Of A Positive Attitude

8 Advantages of a Positive Attitude It can be easy to have a negative attitude since life can be challenging. However, a positive attitude can change everything. A positive attitude is considered by many experts to be the best predictor of success. Nothing else…

Affirmation: I Make Up For Lost Time By Being Efficient

I agree with the saying that “time waits for no one.” Past experiences show me the folly of procrastinating and wasting time. Now, my focus on a day to day basis is efficiency. I avoid taking time for granted by using every opportune moment…

Affirmation: I avoid focusing on the trees so I don’t lose sight of the beautiful forest

I have a panoramic view of life. My eyes focus on the beauty of the whole. In order to see the bigger picture, I take a step back from where I am. When I want to see something different, I simply reposition myself. When…

Affirmation: I thrive off simple things

Nature teaches me many lessons about how to live a fulfilling life. When I see the beauty of birds, I am reminded that I am able to thrive on simplicity. Birds amaze me with their range of colors, sizes, and species. Each type is…

Affirmation: There Is A Season In Life For Everything I Want To Achieve

I am excited about my goals because I know they are due to be achieved at some point. There is a season in life for all I want to attain. I keep that thought in mind as I pursue the life I desire. Sometimes…

Affirmation: I See Possibility At Every Turn

I notice every opportunity in front of me. I pay attention to the details, so I see the possibilities everywhere. I know the universe presents an infinite number of options. I am happy to pick and choose the ones that work for me. I…

Affirmation: There Is A Positive Lesson In Each Situation I Face

I look for learning opportunities in each situation I encounter. Positive experiences and unfavorable circumstances both can teach great lessons. I gain wisdom when I allow myself to look deeply at various situations. That knowledge allows me to be open to new things. When…

Affirmation: I Change My Life By Transforming Myself

Changing myself is the most effective way to change my life. I have control over who and what I am. I create my life and my world. Changes within myself lead to changes in my environment. I believe I have the power to create…

Affirmation: I Use My Time Wisely

Although there are many things to accomplish today, I am confident I can be successful in how I allot my time. Keeping my home and yard in order is important. My relationships at home, work, and in my personal life mean a lot to…

Affirmation: Being Organized Simplifies My Life

Being organized makes my life a lot easier. I start by getting my thoughts under control. When my mind is at peace, my surroundings become more orderly. Coordinating my schedule with a written calendar simplifies planning, saves time, and helps me to live up…