Why Do Dogs Need Toys?


Why Dogs Need Toys?

Toys are mentally and physically stimulating and help fulfill a dog’s emotional and physical needs. Although dogs today are primarily bred as companion animals, they still need a "job." Without something to occupy their time and fulfill their chewing needs, they may choose inappropriate things, such as your couch, pillows, shoes, or anything they find around the house. This is why it is important to provide them with appropriate outlets.

Dogs, similar to children may get bored with their toys quickly. When this happens, the value of the toy as a mental and physical outlet is lost. Many trainers suggest choosing six to eight toys for each dog ensuring that each is different in texture, size, and shape. The toys should be given out a few at a time, then rotated every few days so you always have something different to play with.

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Is Your Dog A Heavy Chewer?

Is your dog a heavy chewer? Mine is! Most toys last my dog about 20 minutes before he has a hole in it and half the stuffing out. Keeping toys in the house has become expensive and a challenge until we discovered the Super Chewers box. And if your dog isn't a super chewer, they have those boxes too!

So not only are these toys tough, durable, and made for heavy chewers BUT the Super Chewer box has a 100% Happy Guarantee: If a toy isn't tough enough, it will be replaced. 100% free of charge. No proof is needed. No time limits. No questions asked.

Super Durable Toys

Each toy is designed by us and tested by our dogs to stand up to the toughest chewers. Made with strong rubber and nylon, these toys were made for chompin’.

Toys Help Your Dog Relax

Chew bones, elk or deer antlers, hooves, and other long-duration chew products promote relaxation and focused chewing.  Dogs will lie down with these products (the behavior we like) and be content chewing for long periods of time.

Every Dog Needs A Kong

  A Kong is a rubber beehive-shaped toy that can be filled with soft foods like cheese, peanut butter, yogurt, and much more.  Your dog has to figure out how to get the food out with his tongue.  Fill a Kong with canned dog food, plain white yogurt, pumpkin, sweet potato, or any other soft healthy food and freeze it. They freeze completely in about 45 minutes.

When You Have Something To Do, Give Your Dog Something To Do

If you don’t want to be distracted by your dog while you are on an important call or Zoom meeting? Send your dog to his bed or other quiet place and give him the Kong.

Kongs come in multiple sizes and can be stored in the freezer so they are always available when you want one.

A Few Important Warnings About Dog Toys

Dogs interact with their toys very differently and their interaction can change over time. A plush toy that was safe for a 10-week old puppy might not be a good choice as your dog gets older and is de-stuffing toys and swallowing the squeakers!  Always supervise your dog when he is playing with a new toy and monitor the dog’s interaction with the toy regularly to ensure that the toy continues to be a safe choice.

Interactive toys are meant to be used as a team…you and your dog. These toys should only be available to your dog when you are playing together and put away when done.

Be mindful of what you give your dog as a toy. If you give your pet socks, old slippers, or articles of clothing to play with, they will see all socks, shoes, and clothing as their playthings. Dogs cannot distinguish which of your socks and shoes are okay to play with and which are not. It’s best to keep your things separate from their toys to eliminate any possible confusion.

A dog that has regular mental and physical stimulation is a happy dog, and a happy dog makes for a happy family.

Every Box Comes With:

  • 2 TOUGH TOYS: always fluff-free
  • 2 FULL-SIZE BAGS OF TREATS: customizable for allergy and diet preferences
  • 2 MEATY CHEWS: always natural