Feeding Corn in the Summer: Precautions

chicken eating corn

Corn can be a good treat for chickens, but there are considerations to keep in mind, especially during the summer. Here’s a detailed look at the benefits and best practices for feeding corn to chickens in the heat.

Benefits of Corn for Chickens

  • Energy-Rich: Corn is a high-energy food that provides chickens with the carbohydrates they need for energy.
  • Palatability: Chickens generally enjoy the taste of corn, making it a good treat for keeping them interested and engaged.

Considerations for Feeding Corn in the Summer

  • Heat Production: Corn is high in carbohydrates, which can increase the metabolic heat produced by chickens as they digest it. This can be counterproductive in hot weather as it can add to the heat stress.
  • Moderation: During the summer, it’s best to feed corn in moderation. Providing too much corn can lead to overheating and discomfort for your chickens.

Best Practices for Feeding Corn in the Summer

  1. Timing: Offer corn in the cooler parts of the day, such as early morning or late evening. This helps minimize the risk of added heat stress during the hottest parts of the day.
  2. Hydration: Ensure that your chickens have constant access to fresh, cool water. This is particularly important when feeding them high-energy treats like corn.
  3. Balance: Mix corn with other hydrating treats. Combining corn with water-rich vegetables like cucumbers, zucchini, or watermelon can help balance the diet and provide necessary hydration.
  4. Frozen Treats: Consider incorporating corn into frozen treats. Freezing corn with water and other veggies can create a cooling and hydrating treat for your chickens. This method also encourages pecking and foraging behavior, keeping them entertained.