Why Can’t I Get Hugs From Everyone?

chick in a tie - Cluck Kent

Hello there, humans. It’s me, Cluck Kent, your friendly neighborhood roost reporter, perched on my favorite bale of straw. I’m watching visitors come and go from afar (with my super-vision, of course) and asking myself the burning question: “Why can’t I get hugs from everyone?” Trust me, I’m quite huggable. But it turns out there’s a big reason why my caretakers keep telling people to step back and scrub up.

The Visitor Conundrum

I’m a sociable bird—any chance to flex my feathers, I’m in. But apparently, flocks like mine are susceptible to all sorts of icky germs that visitors might bring with them from other farms, the feed store, or even their own backyards. Diseases and pests can hitchhike on people’s boots, clothes, hands… basically anywhere. And let me tell you, these uninvited “guests” can make a coop feel less like a peaceful fortress and more like a battleground.

Biosecurity 101 (A.K.A. “Why I Don’t Get a Hug”)

My caretaker calls it biosecurity, which is a fancy way of saying “keeping germs out.” Here are the basics they enforce whenever a visitor arrives:

Hand Washing
Before anyone even thinks about stepping into our domain, they get a good soap-and-water scrub. Hand sanitizer might be quicker, but a full wash gets rid of more bacteria and viruses. Turns out, squeaky-clean hands make for happy hens.

Protective Footwear (or Footbaths)
I used to think the caretaker was just making a fashion statement with all those plastic boot covers and foot dips. Nope! The idea is to prevent visitors from tracking in chicken diseases on their shoes. So, if you come strolling in with muck from your own coop or a public place, guess who’s at risk? Yours truly—and the entire flock.

Clean Clothes
If someone has been around other birds or livestock, my caretaker will suggest changing clothes before coming in. That might feel like an inconvenience, but hey, we’re worth it.

Limit Physical Contact
And here’s the heartbreak: no big group hugs. Believe me, I would love to show off my fluff and get some attention, but the risk of spreading germs is too high. So, for now, a friendly wave from a few feet away will have to do.

Why It Matters

You might think, “Oh, just one little friendly pat on the back can’t hurt.” But disease outbreaks can happen swiftly—things like avian influenza, Marek’s disease, or coccidiosis can rapidly spread through my flock if we’re not careful. Even something as simple as mites or lice can hop a ride on you and give me an itchy new roommate I never asked for.

I’m a superhero, sure—but I’m not invincible. My caretaker says prevention is the best superpower there is. Keeping a healthy distance and practicing good hygiene help ensure I can continue my heroic deeds (mostly involving saving my flock from boredom and championing free-range bug hunts).

My Hope for the Future

One day, maybe we’ll have advanced technology that zaps all germs instantly, and I’ll be able to greet visitors with a hearty flap and a friendly cluck—hugging included. Until then, my caretaker’s guidelines are in place to keep me and my flockmates healthy and disease-free.

It’s tough love, but trust me: those few precautions keep the fortress secure, and they keep me (your favorite roost reporter) alive and well. So next time you drop by, remember: wash up, gear up, and be kind to us from a distance. We’ll cluck our thanks in return, even if we can’t leap into your arms—yet!

Stay safe out there, humans, and thanks for looking out for me.

—Cluck Kent

One Comment on “Why Can’t I Get Hugs From Everyone?

  1. Tamara. check into UV Light. Surgeons use it to sterilize rooms. Not sure how long each person should be exposed, how to use it to sanitize coop and visitor areas, etc. But it might be something to suggest to new chick parents, and check out for your flock.

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