7 Simple Questions That Will Free Your Time

free time
We all have too many priorities and too little time to do them justice. You can create more free time in your life by asking yourself a few questions. Questions are powerful, because they focus your attention and generate solutions. You just have to ask the right questions!

Ask yourself these questions and create more space in your life:

⇒What are my three greatest distractions? The most common distractions and time wasters are often electronic in nature. Your cell phone, laptop, and the television can leave you wondering where the time went. Other distractions might include an annoying neighbor, an organization that requires too much of your time, or frequent headaches.

⇒Think of ways to eliminate or minimize these distractions and spend your time in a more meaningful way.

⇒Am I making the best use of the free time I already have available? When you do have free time, how do you use it? Consider both the small blocks of time you have available throughout the day and the larger segments of time that you have free.

⇒If you’re waiting for a meeting to start, how do you use that time?

⇒Are you using your time in the car as productively as possible? You could use the time to make phone calls or listen to educational programs.

⇒Examine all the spare time you have each day and resolve to use it more productively.

⇒What are the three greatest distractions I have at work? An overly chatty cubicle mate might be neutralized with headphones. You can turn off the ringer on your phone. Think of the distractions you face and create solutions.

⇒What are my priorities? Make a list of your work and personal priorities. You can’t focus your time if you’re unaware of your priorities. You can focus your attention by reminding yourself of your priorities each day.

⇒What are the optional activities in my life? Make a list of everything you do in your life that’s optional – from watching TV to playing softball on the weekends. Some of those activities add to your life in meaningful ways, while others do not. Which of those activities are you willing to give up to create more space in your life?

⇒How can I simplify my life? How many blogs, magazine subscriptions, and podcasts do you follow? Are they all worth the time?

⇒How often do you check your email? Is that more often than necessary?

⇒Can you hire someone to mow your grass or clean your home?

⇒Can you get rid of a few possessions that are taking up time and space in your life?

⇒What would I do if I had more free time? How would you spend that time? With whom would you spend it? If you can identify how you want to spend your free time, you might become more motivated to create more free time in your life.

Are you lacking enough time to enjoy your life? It’s time to set priorities and reduce distractions.

Decide what is most important to you.

Then determine how you’re using your time inefficiently. Ask yourself the important questions that will allow you to make meaningful changes. Free up your time for your priorities. You’ll be glad you did!

Affirmation: I Make Up For Lost Time By Being Efficient


I agree with the saying that “time waits for no one.” Past experiences show me the folly of procrastinating and wasting time.

Now, my focus on a day to day basis is efficiency. I avoid taking time for granted by using every opportune moment to work towards personal or professional goals.

I know that external factors can come into play and disrupt my game plan, but I avoid allowing challenging circumstances to cause a shift of focus. Certainly the easiest thing to do when my mission is delayed is to give up, but I realize that such a response brings an outcome other than what I desire. So I renew my focus.

In such situations, being temporarily sidetracked means that I have the opportunity to resume my mission efficiently. I see it as an opportunity to come up with a new way to work faster, better, and produce a more superior result.

Making up for lost time is something I do without complaining because I always focus on what I want to see waiting for me at the end of the tunnel.

Today, I commit to keep going. I know that my spirit of perseverance can only result in reaping good rewards at the end of the road.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. When I feel like giving up, what helps me to persevere?
  2. Do I encourage others who feel all is lost to keep going?
  3. How do I feel when my efforts reap desired results?

11 Famous People That Succeeded Later in Life

amazing make your mark

Do you feel like it’s too late to achieve a significant amount of success? Many of the most successful people did start at a young age. It can be disheartening for the late bloomers among us.

But many of the most successful people you know didn’t get started until much later in life.

If you think you missed the boat because you’re middle-aged, you couldn’t be more wrong. You’re wrong even if you’re 80.

Success often isn’t achieved until later in life:

  1. Samuel L. Jackson didn’t get his first big role until the age of 43. Prior to that he was a struggling actor with little future. Now he’s known by people all over the world for his acting. How many movies, TV shows, and video games has he been in since that first big role in Jungle Fever? 140!
  2. Sam Walton founded Wal-Mart at the age of 44. He had been successful in the retail environment in his younger years, but nothing out of the ordinary. Wal-Mart went on to become one the biggest companies in the world, and Walton become one of the world’s richest.
  3. Stan Lee. Known to everyone as the creator of Spiderman and the X-Men, Stan Lee didn’t experience success until the age of 39. And his most well-known work didn’t occur until several years after that. Who says it’s too late to do something incredible with your life?
  4. Ronald Reagan never held a political office until the age of 55! He became one of the most popular presidents in modern history.
  5. Colonel Sanders didn’t invent his famous chicken recipe until he was 50. His famous chain of restaurants is still doing well today. His likeness has been used to market KFC since the very beginning.
  6. College students everywhere owe a debt of thanks to Momofuku Ando. At the age of 48, he created those Ramen noodles that poor students rely on for life itself. How many times have you had Ramen noodles in your life?
  7. Charles Darwin wrote On the Origin of Species at the age of 50. No book has had a greater effect on the theory of evolution than Charles Darwin’s iconic book.
  8. Taikichiro Mori became a real estate investor at the age of 55. He was a professor before that. He was the richest man in the world in 1992 with a net worth $13 billion. He inherited his first building from his father. The rest he accomplished on his own.
  9. Grandma Moses started painting at the age of 78. If you have the gumption, you can still make an impact after 70. One of her paintings sold for over a million dollars.
  10. ­­Laura Ingalls Wilder didn’t publish her first novel until she was 65-years old. She wrote an additional 12 novels after that. A successful television series was built around her series of books. Older children still read her books today.
  11. Peter Roget created the first thesaurus when he was 73-years old. He was trained as a medical doctor but had an obsession with words, especially words that had the same meaning. He quit his medical career to focus on the creation of the first thesaurus. The most popular thesaurus in the world still bears his name.

It’s never too late to leave your mark on the world!

But time is constantly passing, so it’s time to start making it happen. Spend the later portion of your life pursuing something you love. There’s still time to do something amazing!

amazing, mark your spot
make your mark
amazing, mark your spot

Affirmation: I avoid focusing on the trees so I don’t lose sight of the beautiful forest

I have a panoramic view of life. My eyes focus on the beauty of the whole. In order to see the bigger picture, I take a step back from where I am.

When I want to see something different, I simply reposition myself. When I look objectively from far away, I see that there is a purpose larger than me.

Stepping back helps me appreciate life as a whole. Like a forest, life is a combination of experiences. Just as some trees are more majestic than others, so are my experiences. I take the good with the bad and end up with a beautiful result.

I value each tree as a part of a whole. There is something I can get from each tree, but I look beyond it to catch a glimpse of something greater. If I fix my eyes on the individual trees, I miss out on the majesty of the forest.

One tree by itself is amazing as it is, but it is no comparison to a lush forest. I do not settle for a single tree when there is a beautiful forest that I deserve to enjoy.

I stay away from having a narrow view. Each day I take action to enlarge my vision. I look for things that may be hidden from me.

My ambitions are the binoculars that help me bring the larger image into focus. When I look through the eyes of ambition, my dreams feel close to me.

The forest has much more to offer than a single tree. I avoid focusing on the trees because there are experiences beyond my imagination awaiting me in the forest.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What do I need to do to reposition myself and have a better view?
2. When was the last time I took a step back to look at my life objectively?
3. How can I enlarge my vision today?

Affirmation: I thrive off simple things

cardinal - simple things

Nature teaches me many lessons about how to live a fulfilling life. When I see the beauty of birds, I am reminded that I am able to thrive on simplicity.

Birds amaze me with their range of colors, sizes, and species. Each type is equally beautiful and presents that beauty unconditionally. Seeing their best side reminds me that it is possible to present my best side in all situations.

When I consider that birds remain as beautiful and cheery on rainy days as they are on sunny days, I am humbled. They teach me a lesson in being grateful.

Just being able to see the sun rise is a reminder that I am blessed. I use the examples from nature to push myself through challenges and come out smiling. Although I sometimes hurt, the beauty of my soul remains intact.

The creatures of the air fly around knowing that they are provided for. That faith is a lesson in faith for me.

Whenever I feel worried about the source of my next meal, I remember the birds. Their portrayal of confidence and high-spiritedness through faith is inspiring. I know that even when I feel out of options, there is one right around the corner.

Today, even my greatest challenges are manageable when I have faith and remain happy. I celebrate the blessings that are bestowed on me. I have enough to feel content and at peace each day of my life.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. How else does nature inspire me to live positively?
  2. What lessons do birds teach me about survival and contentment?
  3. How often do I take the time to observe the actions of others around me?

Affirmation: There Is A Season In Life For Everything I Want To Achieve

season in life

I am excited about my goals because I know they are due to be achieved at some point. There is a season in life for all I want to attain. I keep that thought in mind as I pursue the life I desire.

Sometimes the process of reaching targets is slow. It is easy to get discouraged but I avoid falling into that trap. I know things happen at the right time.

I remain focused on the sequence of goals and avoid emotional decisions.

I look at the beauty of each day.

The small blessings help make my days fulfilling. I am grateful for wonderful experiences while on my journey to success.

Even when I am unable to succeed at interviews or exams, I remain positive. It means that there is more to be done to make myself ready.

I stay away from feeling jealous about the achievements of friends and family. I am happy for their success. I avoid holding the expectation that my goals are to be achieved by a specific time. Patience keeps me pushing forward towards aspirations.

Today, I am accepting of where I am in life. I am aware that the road to success is often long. But I have the perseverance to keep going until I hit my target.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. Where can I find the encouragement to keep me motivated?
  2. How do I bounce back after becoming impatient with my progress?
  3. What is my reaction when achievements happen long before I expect them?

16 Healthy Habits To Form Before Your Next Birthday

You can have more to show for your birthday than cake crumbs and burnt candles. Let each annual celebration serve as a trigger to develop habits that contribute to a longer and healthier life. Take a look at these suggestions to help you get started:
Habits to Enhance Your Mental Health

Let go of expectations. While many events may be beyond your control, you can decide how to respond to them. Welcome whatever comes your way and use your experiences to learn and grow.

⇒Give generously. Focusing on others brings more happiness into your life. Share your time, expertise, and possessions.

⇒Practice forgiveness. Take a load off your mind by giving up any grudges or resentments. Wish others well even when you disagree with their actions. Show compassion for yourself as well.

⇒Develop a hobby. Put your leisure time to good use. Learn how to play a musical instrument or speak a foreign language.

⇒Communicate directly. Express your true thoughts openly and tactfully. Offer constructive feedback. Ask for what you want and need. Your courage will help others to do the same.

⇒Deepen your relationships. Concentrate on the quality of your relationships. Make time for family dinners and meaningful conversations with old friends. Pick one acquaintance you want to know better and invite them to lunch.

⇒Look on the bright side. List the things you are grateful for, and start each day by giving thanks for your blessings. When you’re feeling challenged, think of what you have to gain.

⇒Meditate and pray. Take care of your spiritual side. Follow your faith tradition or invent rituals that are meaningful for you.

Habits to Enhance Your Physical Health

⇒Exercise regularly. Keep your body strong and limber. Aim to work out for at least a half hour three days a week. Find a variety of activities you enjoy so you’ll stay motivated.

⇒Move around. Build more physical activity into common tasks. Stand up when you talk on the phone. Climb the stairs instead of riding the elevator.

⇒Sit up straight. Good posture requires no extra time out of your busy schedule. Straighten your back, lift your head, and lower your shoulders. You’ll instantly feel more alert, and protect yourself from back pain.

⇒Sleep well. Your body needs good quality sleep and rest to keep running efficiently. Go to bed and wake up on a consistent schedule.

⇒Eat a balanced diet. Stock up on nourishing whole foods. Fill your plate with fresh vegetables and fruits, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Cut back on processed foods that are full of sugar and empty calories.

⇒Apply sunscreen. Put on your sunscreen year round instead of saving it just for summer. Reapply it if you’ve been sweating or swimming.

⇒See your doctor. Ask your physician what lifestyle changes would have the greatest impact for you. Maybe you want to quit smoking or lose weight. Maybe you want to manage your diabetes or reduce your risk for osteoporosis.

⇒Manage stress. Stress affects our bodies as well as our emotions. Chronic stress can lead to inflammation which is associated with many conditions, from headaches to heart disease. Find effective ways to relax, like listening to classical music or playing with your dog.

Look forward to growing older. Stop counting your grey hairs and start counting how many positive changes you can make to your daily routines. Turn each birthday into an opportunity to enhance your mental and physical well-being.

Is Minimalism For You?

Minimalism and simplicity are commonly used terms today. Are they the same thing? There are varying degrees of minimalism. Many view minimalism as the modern equivalent of living in a cave and eating berries by a fire, but that isn’t necessarily the case.
If you feel like your life is too hectic or lacks meaning, minimalist ideas might help you create a life that’s more centered and enjoyable.

Simplifying your life is a matter of reduction. But, minimalism goes further. It also includes elimination. You’re literally removing things from your life.

Signs that minimalism might be a viable idea to enhance your life:

⇒You have items in your way that you rarely use. Unnecessary clutter has a negative impact on your life. It weighs you down emotionally and wastes your time.

⇒Box up those unneeded items and then sell, donate, or toss them.

⇒You have excessive debt. The only material goods that are necessary are food, clothing, and shelter. While there’s no reason to get too carried away with limiting yourself to the bare essentials, if debt is making your life miserable, you’re likely purchasing too much.

⇒Prior to any purchase, ask yourself if it’s something you truly need or if it’s just a want.

⇒You’re upset that you don’t own a nicer car, house, or other items. If you have a car that breaks down all the time, of course you’d like a more reliable car. But if you already own a decent, reliable car, it’s different. Is obsessing about owning a $100,000 car really conducive to a happy life? Certainly you can find more meaningful things to occupy your thoughts.

⇒You’re busy, but your life lacks meaning. We’ve all had days filled with activity, which ended with feelings of emptiness. Minimalism can help remove the excess from your life to make room for more meaningful activities.

Luckily, there are many strategies that can help you embrace a life of minimalism. You just need to know how to get started.

How to introduce minimalism into your life:

⇒Get clutter off the floor. Not only will your home and office look cleaner, but you’ll be surprised at how much better you feel! Put it on a shelf, in the closet, or get rid of it altogether.

⇒Now hit the countertops, tables, and shelves. Go through all those items and ask yourself if you’ve used them in the last six months. Do you truly need them? Clear off those spaces as much as possible.

Go through your clothes. Most people wear 20% of their clothes 80% of the time, while the other 80% of your clothes are just taking up space.

If you don’t wear it, or it hasn’t fit in over a year, let it go.

⇒Make a list of all the optional activities in your life. Include all the organizations, clubs, team sports, happy hours, and so on. Eliminate one. In a couple of weeks, eliminate another. Now fill some of that free time with activities you really love. You can free up a lot of time by learning how to say “no.”

⇒Repeat this process on a regular basis. Just a couple of cycles of minimalizing will dramatically reduce the complexity of your life.

You don’t have to live under a tarp in the woods to use minimalism to your advantage. It’s simply a matter of removing excess and meaningless things from your life. Use some of the extra time and space to introduce new, amazing things into your life. You’ll be glad you did!

Affirmation: I See Possibility At Every Turn


I notice every opportunity in front of me. I pay attention to the details, so I see the possibilities everywhere.

I know the universe presents an infinite number of options. I am happy to pick and choose the ones that work for me. I am grateful that the world has so many possibilities in it.

I notice all the possibilities created by this magical universe.

I direct my energy toward the opportunities that help me and my family. I focus on the ones that matter most. I see the positive options even during difficult situations.

I have the determination to take advantage of these opportunities.

I have the skills and talents to make an opportunity into a success story. I take every possibility as a chance to improve my life.

I raise questions, search for answers, and look at possibilities.

I find innovative ways to handle issues or roadblocks. I look at obstacles from new angles.

I make advances toward success. My mind allows me to see how to use every opportunity to my advantage. I make shifts in my perspective to ensure I capture every possibility. I reset and pause my thinking to reach goals.

Today, I notice how possibilities spring up before me. I am thankful to have the vision to see them every day.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. How can I ensure I avoid missing important opportunities?
  2. What can I do to help others see the possibilities in front of them?
  3. How can I train my mind to look at more than one option without feeling overwhelmed?

Affirmation: There Is A Positive Lesson In Each Situation I Face

learn from yesterday

I look for learning opportunities in each situation I encounter. Positive experiences and unfavorable circumstances both can teach great lessons.

I gain wisdom when I allow myself to look deeply at various situations. That knowledge allows me to be open to new things. When I am open-minded, I create a sense of purpose.

My job is an ongoing learning experience. Although my shortcomings make me feel frustrated at times, I can see a ray of light. I realize that having limitations means having room for improvement and opportunities for greater achievements.

My quest for developing personal relationships sometimes ends unfavorably. When I meet someone who wants to take advantage of me, I am disappointed. I revisit my process for assessing a person's character.

When I am able to look back and see my missteps, I feel relieved. It gives me the confidence to pursue future relationships while exercising wisdom.

Stress sometimes causes me to become ill. I learn the necessity of treating myself well, and work towards having stress-free environments, where my health is first and foremost.

Today, I am open to the situations that life throws in my direction. I am confident in my ability to take them in stride. I commit to analyzing each experience in hopes of finding the positive lesson hidden within.

Self-Reflection Questions:
  1. In what situations do I feel too overwhelmed to find the positive lesson?
  2. What are some of the techniques I can use to focus on staying positive?
  3. Why is it hard to find the positive lesson during a difficult situation?