Oops A Daisy: An Unexpected Delivery Turns 2

Sometimes our animals come to us in the most unexpected ways. This is one of the stories. It's also a story of the beauty of nature, and despite the odds and without human intervention, this beautiful soul came into the world, and forever changed her family's life.


How did Daisy come to be with you?

Daisy’s arrival was a total surprise! We had bought a young pony named Gemma. She was only three years old, so my plan was to give her off until the spring of her 4th year so she could finish growing up a little. She was just hanging out in the pasture, getting fat, but we never thought anything of it. I just remember thinking I will have to keep an eye on her weight when the spring grass comes up.

I remember the day like it was yesterday. It was Feb 19, 2018, my husband and I left the farm around 2 pm to run errands, I checked the horses, gave them hay and off we went. We got back about 5 pm to feed. I called Gemma to eat and she didn’t come. I could see her at the far end of the pasture.  We rushed down there thinking she was hurt (as she never missed meals) and there was this little tiny thing next to her. At first glance I thought it was a baby deer, but then she turned around and I saw a big white blaze. I remember thinking how did that foal get here ... and then realizing OMG- it’s Gemma’s foal!!!


Who is Daisy's Father?

Now that is a funny question! It took a DNA test to figure that out. Since no one knew Gemma was pregnant, the father was a mystery, however there were 2 suspects that had been neighbors in adjoining pastures. Apparently one of the boys was able to (secretly) reach her through the fence, and no one was the wiser until Daisy was born. The DNA test revealed that Sticky Fingers was her father.

How did Daisy get her name?

Addie Bdzak came up with the barn name Daisy (short for Oops-A-Daisy). Her registered name (she’s half welsh) is Butterfly McQueen named after the actress in Gone with the Wind. The day we found Daisy, all I could think of was the scene where the woman says she doesn’t "know nothin’ bout birthin’ babies" and that was so me that day, so we chose the name Butterfly McQueen.


What does Daisy like to do & who are her best friends?

Daisy is quite sassy and loves attention! Some of her favorite things are: having people come see her (especially if they bring mints or treats), taking naps, eating (she loves her alfalfa hay), getting dressed up (or maybe this is one of my favorite things!!) and hanging out with her best pal Dodger.


Tell me about Daisy's first horse show.

Daisy has only been to one show so far. That was The Devon Horse Show last May. The plan had been to get her to a few small local shows so she could get used to things before her Devon experience, but that didn’t happen. Although Daisy was a bit overwhelmed at first (she had never seen so many horses, ponies and people all in one spot), she got herself together and behaved quite well in her yearling filly class! I was extremely proud of her for being so brave and (mostly) well-behaved lol.


Future Plans?

We aren’t sure if the Devon Horse Show is going to be on the schedule for this year. The plan right now is to get to as many small shows as we can (hopefully some of the welsh shows) and let her get a lot of general mileage/experience. I would like to find some shows that have an in-hand trail/obstacle course for her to do as well. My thought is the more I can expose her to, the better it will be for her. I’d like her to be very relaxed in new situations.

A longer term goal for her is hopefully the Young Pony Under Saddle at Devon as a 4 or 5 year old.


If you are looking for a fun and happy page then you should follow Daisy & Dodger's adventures on Facebook and Instagram!

Daisy’s social media accounts are:

Facebook - Daisy & Gemma https://www.facebook.com/daisyandgemma/

Instagram:  Daisy_ButterflyMcqueen

Daisy lives in New Jersey with her persons Cindy and Joe, her best friend Dodger, and her horse friends Leo and Dylan, Magic the barn cat, and other cats Duffy, Tippy, MoonPie, Garfield and Baby Kitty, and dogs Luna, Cooper, and ET.

Animals Are Property? The Law Sees It That Way. What You Can Do To Help Make A Change.


We share this world with many animals. We are their caretakers, they are our companions. We have the responsibly to ensure the well being of animals in our care.  Despite our recognition and "understanding of the intelligence and rich emotional and social lives" of animals, the legal system has not caught up.

Although there has been much progress in the law regarding animals, such as felony provisions for intentionally killing a dog or cat, animals the legal system still defines animals as property. (Did you know that a corporation is classified as a "person" under the law?) When you think of property, what comes to mind? Your house, car, computer ... but MOST people would not include their companion animals in their list of property. Our animals are our companions and family members!


"The core purpose of our system of laws is to protect the vulnerable from exploitation and to ensure fairness. Animals deserve a legal status that reflects the kinds of beings they are — individuals with their own desires and lives, who have the capacity for pain and pleasure, joy and sorrow, fear and contentment." (quote from Animal Legal Defense Fund)

How Can You Help?

Help raise awareness and join the Animal League Defense Fund's “I Am Not Property” campaign by following the steps below.

Print out the “I Am Not Property” sign, write in something that describes your animal buddy, take a photo, and post it on social media with the hashtag #NotProperty. We'd love you to include the hashtag #PawsitivelyWell so we know you heard about through us!

Don’t forget to tag the Animal Legal Defense Fund so they can share your photo with their supporters.

Instagram: @animallegaldefensefund
Facebook: @animallegaldefensefund
Twitter: @aldf

Visit the Animal League Defense Fund (ALDF) for more information on animals and the law.


Support the Animal Legal Defense Fund’s efforts to establish comprehensive legal protections and basic rights for all animals in our society by signing this pledge:

Sign the #NotProperty Pledge


Legislation In Place To Protect Animals

Although classified as property, there are many provisions (varying by state) that are protecting animals:

  • Animal cruelty laws: There are laws in place in all 50 states. What constitutes cruelty and the associated penalties are determined by each state and vary.
  • Animals as crime victims: Being a victim under the law is different then the legal classification of "crime victim." Learn more about the difference. Animals classified as a crime victim have many more rights than an animal victim of a crime. (One of the many nuances of the law.)
  • Basic care laws: These are laws requiring people responsible for animals to provide a basic level of care.
  • Anti-tethering laws: Almost half the states have these laws, which limit how long animals can be tied or chained outside, especially in extreme weather.
  • Hot car laws: About 31 states have laws that criminalize leaving an animal in a vehicle in extreme weather.
  • Domestic Violence Protective Orders: Many states now allow animals to be included in domestic violence protective orders. The 2018 Farm Bill includes the PAWS Act, providing federal support for animals affected by domestic violence.
  • Evacuations in natural disasters: The PETS Act,  (passed in 2006) requires states, cities, and counties to “account for the needs of individuals with household pets and service animals before, during, and following a major disaster or emergency” in order to receive federal funding for their disaster relief plans. More than 30 states have amended their disaster relief plans to account for the needs of companion and service animals.
  • Retail pet sale bans: CA (in 2018) and MD (in 2020) are the first states to require pet stores to sell only cats, dogs, and rabbits from animal shelters and rescue groups.
  • Laws against the sexual assault of animals: Enacted in all states except Hawaii, New Mexico, West Virginia, and Wyoming.
  • Veterinary reporting of animal cruelty: About 17 states require vets to report abuse, other states allow (but not required) reporting of suspected abuse and only Kentucky prohibits vet reporting of suspected cases. What are your state's laws?
  • Post-conviction possession bans: These laws prevent a person from having any animal for a determined period of time after conviction of animal cruelty. (About 12 states have no laws providing this protection.)
  • Courtroom animal advocate programs (CAAP): These laws allow advocates to provide a voice for animal victims in criminal cruelty cases.
  • “Pet custody” laws: Several states have legislation providing guidance to courts for the interests, well-being, and care of companion animals in divorce proceedings.
  • Trusts: Most states recognize enforceable trusts for animals providing them the resources necessary for their health and well-being even after their person dies.
  • Wild animal performance bans: Some states regulate the use of wild animals in performances.
  • Farmed animals:These animals are often under-protected under the law. CA prohibits the most extreme methods of confining farmed animals and bans the sale of products produced in other states using these methods.
  • Increased penalties: Some states have laws that allow animal cruelty penalties to be increased for animal crimes, in certain circumstances.

Meet “Smiles Pets4Vets” Rescue Dogs DeeDee and Biscuit

The Pawsitive Cause Project: Our mission is to raise funds to provide a 1 month supply of CBD oil for both DeeDee & Biscuit to assist them in becoming healthy and available for adoption. Pawsitively Well has donated the first 2 bottles of oil (a 1 month supply for each dog) Every dog matters! And you can make a difference one dog at a time.

Update on DeeDee and Biscuit: February 24 2020


Meet DeeDee, a 6 year old Mountain Cur mix. She was rescued from rural SW Virginia, where she was living in the trash dumpsters. She was extremely under-weight, with a lot of hair loss and had frost bite on her tail and ear tips.

The day after animal control picked her up, she gave birth to a single puppy who died 3 days later.

A volunteer reached out to Smiles Animal Rescue to see if they could take DeeDee into the rescue. They said yes and she has now been with the rescue for 2 years. Although adapting to her new life and loving care, her skin issues have not been resolved. She has had skin scrapings, medication, medicated baths with prescription and non-prescription shampoos and very expensive dog food, there has been no definitive diagnosis of the root cause.

DeeDee now has fuzz for hair and from a distance she looks so much better, but she continues to have hair loss with very flaky and dry skin.

She is a sweet girl that has been with the rescue for too long ad deserves a loving forever home of her own. We have hopes that the CBD oil will help to reduce her anxiety and bring her body into a healthy balanced state to alleviate the skin problems and hair loss.

DeeDee will be available for adoption through the Smiles Pets4Vets program once her skin issue is resolved.


Meet Biscut, a 5 year old Great Pyreness/Lab mix. He has a partial tear of his ACL in his right rear leg. He has been receiving Pulsed Electromagnetic Field therapy (PEMF) 2x a week. PEMF uses burts of low level electromagnetic radiation to heal damaged tissue and bone. Although surgery was an option, the rescue chose PEMF because the veterinarian was concerned that he would not stay quiet enough for the surgery to be successful.

Biscuit is a super sweet guy that was surrendered to a small rural shelter due to a divorce along with his liter mate sister, Luna. They are a bonded pair and the shelter could not find a home for them together, so the rescue was asked to take them as their time was running out.

They will be available for adoption as a pair, once Biscuit's leg heals. We are very excited to see how CBD oil will help in his recovery.

How CBD Oil Can Help

All mammals have an Endocannabinoid System (ECS), which responds to CBD.

The ECS regulates the body’s systems to maintain homoeostasis: the state of balance necessary for healthy functions. Homeostatic processes govern blood sugar levels, internal temperature, pH levels of blood, regulation of water and minerals in the body and the removal of metabolic waste.

CBD helps the body maintain homeostasis so that it can function at its maximum capacity. When a body is in homeostasis it has the capacity to better heal itself.

Donate today to help a dog in need.

Back to The Pawsitive Cause Project

DeeDee & Biscuit

Brinks’ Story: A CBD Journey

As a CBD advocate and educator, I love speaking to people about their experience with CBD. Devan Waters of Goat Ridge Hemp shared her story of her dog's journey with CBD. It's an amazing story of hope, faith and love.

CBD is truly amazing and how it works in our bodies is even more incredible. It's not a drug or medicine but it interacts with our body's systems to bring balance that allows the body to function as it was intended in a healthy balanced state. It cures nothing but puts our body in the position that wonderful things can happen!


Brinks' CBD Journey!

November 14th 2018 our dog Brinks was diagnosed with a very aggressive bone cancer, osteosarcoma.

November 26th Brinks had his front left leg amputated and was left with a very bleak outcome. Our vet informed us that we were only looking at a few months left with him even after amputation, and if we chose not to move forward with chemo his life expectancy would be even shorter. After a ton of research We did opt out of chemo, instead we decided to take the CBD route. We had just started farming hemp for CBD that spring and were shocked that our own best friend's life was going to depend on it. We were (still are) so grateful to be on this journey when Brinks was going to need it most!

We started giving Brinks 2 droppers full of our CBD oil every day. (50mg for each dropper 1500mg bottle of our full spectrum CBD oil.)

FAST FORWARD TO December 10th 2019

We took our other dog to the vet for a dew claw injury and decided to take Brinks in as well to ask for a chest X-Ray (typically you will lose your battle to osteosarcoma due to tumors metastasizing to the lungs). We had given them no warning we were bringing Brinks, as it was a last minute decision on our end; so when we arrived the staff was floored. The vet even went to get his chart before coming in the exam room to check out our other dog. She couldn't believe he was still alive and in such good health. She checked to see if they had sent for a biopsy on his amputated limb (which they had) and his numbers for the cancer were so high, she said he is defying all odds. She agreed to do a chest X-Ray and was floored again when the results came back completely clear of any tumors in his chest.


Osteosarcoma spreads by the cancer cells metastasizing. (Brinks tumors were metastasizing by 3, meaning that every cell that metastasized 3 new cancer cells were created). CBD studies have shown that CBD slows and in some cases stops the metastasizing of cancer cells.

Brinks Today
Brinks Today

Based on Brinks tumor numbers prior to his CBD journey he shouldn't have made it this far. Thanks to our CBD oil Brinks is celebrating 14 months post diagnosis today!!


Click here to find out more about CBD and its benefit for people and animals.

“The Pawsitive Cause Project” for Smiles Pets4Vets Rescue Dogs

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Pawsitively Well and Tammi LaTorre are excited to team with Smiles Pets 4 Vets in launching A Pawsitive Cause, to provide access to CBD oil for rescue dogs in need.

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Smiles Forever & Pets for Veterans

The story of Smiles Forever Animal Rescue begins with Becky Andrews of Fincastle, Virginia. Becky’s dog-loving daughter would walk dogs from the local animal hospital, which often had overflow shelter dogs staying there. Her daughter fell in love with a particular dog, and when she received a call that the dog was to be euthanized because he had been in the shelter too long, she asked Becky if they could take him in. Mr. Smiles came to live on the ranch, and made his way into Becky’s heart. “He traveled all over the United States with me,” Becky said. “My constant companion and guardian.” In June of 2014, Mr. Smiles passed away at 17 years old. “I still cry when I think of him, but I made him a promise that I would help as many misunderstood death row dogs as I could, so I started Smiles Forever Animal Rescue in his honor.”

As a 501(c)(3) companion animal rescue, Smiles Forever aims to rescue animals that are most in need, those on the euthanasia list for space, medical issues or resource guarding. The rescue relies on donations and volunteers, such as Susan Benson, who helps raise funds for the charity. Susan and Becky, longtime friends, share not only a passion for helping animals but believe that saving animals saves people, too. “Becky and I would often comment that we felt we were helping people as often as we were helping dogs when placing them,” Susan said.


With that in mind, Smiles Pets4Vets (P4V) was created to make pet ownership a reality for military veterans who would not otherwise be able to afford a pet. “We all know how much a dog enriches all of our lives,” said Susan. “Smiles P4V is a program that provides a special opportunity for veterans to save the life of a pet in need, and places adoptable pets in homes with veterans to serve as companions. Based on the needs of the veteran owner, Smiles Forever Animal Rescue can arrange for food, routine vet care, and transportation to veterinary appointments.”

Smiles P4V focuses on the positive relationship between humans and pets. “We want to clearly state that we are not providing a service animal, but aiming to work with veterans to care for a companion animal that may help fill a void in their life. There are great emotional benefits from owning a pet. These benefits directly correlate with symptoms of loneliness, depression, PTSD, and anxiety. Pets can help bring out feelings of love, reduce stress, and increase the likelihood of social interactions,” Becky explained.

The annual Party For The Pups event, held near the HITS Showgrounds in Ocala, benefitted  Smiles Forever and the P4V program. Since both Becky and Susan share connections to the horse world, Party For The Pups is a perfect fit to spread the word about the Smiles P4V mission. Many Smiles Forever adopters are horse owners and attend horse shows across the country, including The Classic Company Shows.

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During their 2016 Jacksonville Circuit, The Classic Company hosted a fundraising event for the Smiles P4V program: Tito’s Vodka sponsored a “Yappy Hour” and adoption event, and Classic Company CEO Bob Bell donated all the proceeds from the VIP tables during the shows as well.

As Smiles P4V develops their 120 acre facility near Charlottesville, VA, horse shows around the country will be an integral part of fundraising and awareness. With the help of generous donors, volunteers, and simple word of mouth, Smiles Forever hopes to thank veterans everywhere for their service by paying the adoption fee and providing them with food and routine veterinary care. For more information including upcoming events, check out their Facebook page, Smiles Pets4Vets.


DeeDee & Biscuit: Their story


Ferals: Creatures Without Voices

Did you know that there are between 60 and 100 million homeless cats living in the US.

Often, feral cats are the babies of unaltered cats who were abandoned outdoors. These cats never had the opportunity to socialize or learn trust and live in fear of people.

Feral cats, just like our house cats, depend on people to feed, water, and shelter them and to keep them safe from harm.

Most feral cats live short, hard lives on the streets. Rarely do they die of “old age.” Some are trapped and brought to shelters where most are euthanized. There aren't a lot of options for feral cats; however many have found a way to make a difference through the TNR program.


I had the opportunity to learn more about TNR from animal advocate and friend, Cheryl Caruso.

I'm just someone who cares very deeply about animals and tries to help where I can.  I would like to leave this world a little better than I found it.
What is TNR and How Does it Work?
Trap-Neuter-Return, or "TNR," is the most humane and cost-effective method known for managing feral and stray cats and reducing their numbers. The cats, who typically live together in a group called a colony, are humanely trapped, brought to a veterinary clinic, spayed or neutered, vaccinated and ear-tipped, the universal sign that someone cared.   After they've recovered from their surgeries, the cats not socialized to humans are returned to their colony site where the caregiver provides long-term feeding, and their population gradually reduces over time.  When foster or permanent homes are available, young kittens and friendly adults can be removed and placed for adoption.
How Did You Get Started?
I was raised by animal-loving parents.  Our family bred collies so I was always surrounded by animals and they brought me great comfort.  Specific to TNR, that began as an adult when I purchased a home in a gated community that had a feral cat problem.  The township has an epidemic of feral cats (a staggering 300,000 plus).  These helpless, hurting, sick and starving cats and kittens were showing up at my door shortly after moving in, some dying at my front door.  I felt compelled to be part of the solution.
What is Your Biggest Challenge?
The biggest challenge when dealing with the general public is ignorance.  The feral cat crisis is not due to animal misconduct but rather to human error.  Behind every successful animal rescue is a group of dedicated people putting up with the most unimaginable resistance from the most unrelenting ignorance while righting the most unfathomable wrongs in the name of compassion.
The biggest challenge when dealing with the feral cats themselves is trapping.  The animal has to go in the trap in order to be successful at TNR.  Over time and with experience you find the best ways to make that happen in the majority of cases.  However, these animals are smart and can allude you for quite sometime, if not their entire lifetime.
How Do You Fund Your Program?
This work is done on a voluntary basis, there are costs involved and coordination with a vet that works with feral cats.  If you volunteer with a no-kill shelter, it's strictly your time and perhaps the cost of gas that would be required.  However, most people who work TNR are funding the program themselves, as I have consistently done.  To reduce the cost, connect with a vet in your area that will spay/neuter and test at reduced costs.  It can be a 24/7 job if you let it.  You must be physically and emotionally strong not to become burnt out, and that's a very real "cost".  Feeling overwhelmed is inevitable.  However, I have found it's worth every effort.  Ferals didn't ask to be born into harsh conditions and often are very sick.  The care they require depends on a 100% commitment to whatever it takes...countless hours of love, affection, tolerance, food, veterinary care, etc.  If you are blessed enough to capture the kittens and put the time in to socialize and watch as a once fearful, hissing, scratching, biting kitten ultimately turns into a loving, sweet, purring companion based on your input, well, there is nothing like it.  It makes the time, money, lack of sleep, hectic scheduling all the more rewarding.
What Success Are You Most Proud Of?
There are been so many success stories over the years and they all grab your heart.  Each and every one has meaning.  One that is near and dear to my heart is my cat Moo.   My better half went out for his nightly walk.  He came back with a kitten he found sitting under a car, in the wheel well, crying.  It was dark, he couldn't get a good look at her, he only knew she was screaming at the top of her lungs as if all the world had forsaken her.   When we put her in the light, we could see she was in a horrific state and barely a few weeks old.  We didn't know what had happened to her, only knew she would die without our help.  I brought her to our vet the next morning where his first impression was to put her down.  He quickly reconsidered and said, “Let me keep her today while you go to work and re-evaluate.” He determined her to be a fighter.  Although she was deeply infected with an untreated herpes virus, an infected eye and multiple mouth sores, she wanted to eat!  The decision was made that if we were willing to take her home, syringe feed her and go through whatever it might take as a foster to get her healthy, we'd see where we would all end up, and put her up for adoption.  Weeks turned into months of infection, fever, meds and finally an eye removal, all of which she was a complete trooper about.  One of us slept with her every single night to make sure she was ok.  We poured 100% of our love and resources into this kitten only to realize she wasn't going anywhere.  She was secured in our hearts, in our home and part of our family forever.
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How Can Others Help?
Others can help by not pretending that ferals are not there.  People can help in little ways and big ways, whatever suits their financial and time constraints.  Ferals are creatures without voices.  To turn away would be tantamount to providing no assistance if witnessing a violent crime.  They ask nothing of you, have no egos, operate on intuition and natural instinct and are beautiful to watch in their natural state.   See a cat who needs your help?  Feed him .  Can't feed?   Contact your local TNR organization that can assist.    The can even provide training in TNR if you'd like to get involved trapping.  If you have the resources to foster, contact your local no-kill shelter and put in an application.  All the costs are incurred by the shelter so that's a great way to be involved, spread your loving energy, and help without impacting your finances.   As Mother Theresa said, "Not all of us can do great things, but we can all do things with great love."  Reach out.  Care.  It's really just that simple.
About Cheryl:
Rev. Cheryl Caruso, PhD Candidate, CNC, APP is a Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, accredited by The American Association of Drugless Practitioners, a Professional Member of The American Association of Nutritional Consultants, a Polarity Therapist, as well as an Ordained Interfaith Minister, a graduate of The New Seminary, chartered by The Board of Regents of The University of New York and a CBD Educator and Senior Director for Kannaway, a Division of Medical Marijuana Inc. .  Other professional affiliations include The American Association of Holistic Health, The Coalition of Natural Health, and The Association of Interfaith Ministers.  Rev. Caruso has been a student of A Course in Miracles since 1995, and has been living a life based on the principles she teaches for over 25 years, counseling patients in her practice since 1998.

What’s In The Bottle?

If you haven’t noticed already, CBD is a booming business. Experts are predicting the industry to triple in 2020 so everyone and their brother are jumping on the bandwagon. New products are appearing on the market every day. This is good and bad. Good because hemp is a versatile and amazing plant that has a long, long list of uses but bad because the industry is currently unregulated and the market is being flooded with unregulated products. Some are high quality while others are misrepresented and many consumers are having a hard time distinguishing between the good and the bad.

It’s human nature to believe the label of any product and for the most part we should because there are industry standards and regulations insuring their accuracy. Right now this is NOT the case with CBD products. It’s the wild west and the labels can say just about anything and no one is monitoring their accuracy. I find this disturbing because many companies are jumping into CBD because they see it as a new cash cow with no regard to the product or consumer. Pure, high quality CBD is not cheap. It’s affordable but not cheap. If you find a very inexpensive bottle of CBD, red flags should go off and you should question what is actually in the bottle.

Recently an old friend reached out to me and asked whether a particular CBD salve he has been using was good. It was a company that I’ve never heard of (as there are many). After going to the web site and looking at the posted lab results, there was nothing available for the salve so I sent an email to customer service asking if they had one available. They responded with a potency analysis showing the CBD content. After looking at the report, so much info was not on there and none of my questions were answered. I sent a follow up email with a few more questions. I must say, it was one of the unfriendliest customer service response that I have dealt with. My impression was my questions were not much appreciated.

From the email exchanges, I learned that the company products are not certified organic but they utilize organic growing practices. “Interesting,” was my thought but meaningless information because I have no idea what they deem “organic” practices.

So, what does all this mean? I can only presume, but after looking at their site and exchanging a few emails with their customer service, I saw quite a few red flags.

  • Not an issue in itself but it’s odd that the salve Certificate of Analysis (COA) was not posted. All the other products were posed as far as I could tell.
  • Again not an issue in itself, but their customer support was very curt and unfriendly which would have sent me elsewhere had I been an actual potential customer. The interactions left me with a feeling that the company did not like questions. They did not ask what I was looking for or any of the usual things that a friendly helpful customer service would normally do. If I was truly looking for help in understanding their products, they were not going to give it to me easily.
  • Initially I was sent a COA for potency only. I then asked if they had a COA for purity (definitely not making friends here). I received this COA which included heavy metals. An interesting note: The heavy metal contents were not part of the COAs posted on the web site. In comparison to the heavy metal contents of Kannaway’s products, the levels of arsenic and lead were a a lot higher in this particular salve. (Note: there will always be low levels of these heavy metals in the soil – learn more about arsenic in the soil or to learn more about lead in the soil.)

Organic vs. Conventional Hemp

The biggest difference between the two is in fact the certification. Unlike organic, the conventional hemp doesn’t undergo the same inspection and does not have to follow the long list of necessary guidelines in order to meet certified organic standards.

Despite its lack of certification conventionally grown hemp oil isn’t necessarily bad for you. Sticking to organic hemp oil however means you can be sure your getting all the vitamins, nutrients, and amino acids without any added toxins. Additionally, conventionally grown hemp contains a higher risk of contamination. As a bioaccumulator, it has drawbacks: If a hemp plant that is used in production of CBD oil was cultivated in a land that is rich in heavy metals such as mercury and lead, the resulting oils will also reflect the amount of heavy metals absorbed by the plant, making it unsafe for humans to consume, especially children or others who are extremely vulnerable to toxins.

So, what does all this mean? From my perspective it means there are too many unanswered questions and not enough information to determine whether this is truly a good product and for that reason alone, I would avoid it. The CBD industry is highly competitive with many products available, so the real question is how do you choose?

How to choose your CBD

  • The first and foremost suggestion is do your research! Ask questions and ensure your questions as asked are answered.
    • A company’s transparency speaks volumes! Companies producing high quality products are very proud of this and are fully transparent. If you choose “transparency” as your starting point, then you will be able to eliminate companies with inferior products right off the bat!
      • What constitutes transparency? Current COAs completed by an independent lab, available for every product, which includes potency and purity. Look for non-GMO and organic and ask questions if the information is not clear. These independent labs exist to ensure that CBD oil is everything it claims to be, with a high level of CBD, low THC, and lacking in impurities that can be harmful to consumers.
  • Read the COA to ensure it represents the product you are researching.
    • Reputable companies will provide a certificate of analysis showing their product has been lab tested and should show:
      • 0.3% THC or less;
      • CBD per milliliter and per bottle;
      • Free of contaminants like pesticides and heavy metals;
      • Free of residual solvents;
      • Free of bacteria, yeast and mold.
  • Look for products with a CO2 extraction method. Carbon dioxide is used under high pressure and low temperatures to assure the purity of the product;
  • Products with coconut oil or olive oil base for maximum absorbability;
  • Products should be free of alcohol;
  • Good customer service is another sign of quality CBD oil, so check in and get them to help you if you have questions.
  • Do not rely on product labels alone! Since there are no regulations, labels are not necessarily accurate and in fact most aren’t. The COA will evidence the actual contents, which is why its important that the COA match the product and be current.
  • Do not buy for price alone! If you come across an inexpensive CBD product at a local gas station, convenience store or anywhere, think twice. You do not know what it is you’re buying.


There are a lot of quality products on the market there but there are also a lot more that are inferior. Some actually do not contain any CBD or the CBD is synthetic and others say THC free and actually have THC. For anyone subject to drug testing, this is critical! As a CBD Educator, my goal is to promote and educate the benefits of quality pure CBD. You may find your own source after doing research and that’s great. After a lot of long research I chose Kannaway products because it is a reputable and well established company. Our parent company, Medical Marijuana Inc. was established in 2009. It is not a ‘fly by night’ jump on the bandwagon company. It is a company of firsts and has set the industry standards. The company, along with Kannaway has total transparency.

Our CBD hemp oil is sourced from hemp grown in Northern Europe free of pesticides, herbicides, or chemical fertilizers. Because hemp grows quickly and efficiently, sometimes producing two or more harvests a year, and uses very little water, it is environmentally sustainable crop with a number of used beyond CBD supplements. Although some argue that US grown hemp is better, when you compare the European standards to the US, Europe’s standards are much stricter.

Kannaway’s hemp oil is put through a stringent Triple Lab Tested™ process to ensure its safety and reliability. Our oil is first tested following harvest, and then again by an ISO/IEC 17025:2005 accredited lab after import into the U.S. The final stage of testing comes after our products are manufactured to check for potency and any possible contamination to provide only products you can trust.

In the end, I know where the hemp is from, I the products I am using are triple lab tested by an independent lab, and I know exactly what is in each bottle or product. CBD is an investment in your health, why take chances.

For more information on CBD or the products that I offer visit our web site or contact us.