Balancing Corporate & Homesteading Lifestyles
Looking for a unique gift or animal related item for you or your dog or cat (or other furry, feathered and scaley friends) then you will want to check out our links to some amazing items and deals!
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Dogs are family ... EVERY dog lover knows that ... but as much as we like to think of our dogs as children, a dog is a dog and will always be a dog even if we view them as children. They are inherently a dog with a dog's mind and instinct. When we try to humanize their psychology and behavior, we go wrong. In other words, they may learn fear but they don't hold grudges. They remember past hurts and learn from them but they live in the moment. Good intentions ... such as over feeding or feeding table scraps could go wrong. It's VERY hard to resist those begging eyes but sometimes we must.
Are you reinforcing and encouraging undesirable behaviors? Its not too late to make changes.
Disclaimer: This page contains affiliate links. If you choose to make a purchase after clicking a link, I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you. Thank you for your support!
Would you like to learn the same secret training methods that service dog handlers use to train their dogs to be extraordinarily obedient and calm even in the presence of distractions? Then this is your opportunity!
Disclaimer: This page contains affiliate links. If you choose to make a purchase after clicking a link, I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you. Thank you for your support!
The tips shared in this free workshop are rooted in scientific research on animal behavior and work for ALL dog breeds.
It has helped to successfully train more than 2.7 million dogs – from small breeds like Pomeranians and Chihuahuas to large breeds like English Mastiffs and Great Danes.
Also, puppies as young as 6 weeks old, and previously untrained adult dogs as old as 13 years, have been successfully trained using these techniques.
When we continue to do the same thing, we will continue to get the same result. If you and your dog are stuck, then check out this free workshop. Below is a sample of what you will learn.
It's never to late to make a change. Today is a good day to start!
More and more people these days are turning to one
of the most popular businesses around - the business
of affiliate marketing. In this business, there are
no bosses, deadlines to meet, or piles of work that
have to be finished by the end of the day. In
order to succeed, you only need the necessary
There are basically five things you can't do without
if you want to make it in the business of affiliate
marketing. Below, you'll find each quality you'll
1. Desire to learn
The first quality you must possess is the desire to learn, coupled with the willingness to be trained. Treading through unfamiliar territory is tough indeed, especially if your lacking the right knowledge. This is a combination of the right frame of mind, coupled with a strong work ethic.
When starting out, you'll need to be willing to keep your eyes and ears open, using the experience of others to learn more as you go.
2. Invest time and effort
The second quality you must have is the willingness to invest time and effort in helping your business grow, even if you don't see immediate results. Even though weeks may pass without hearing good news, it's very important for anyone who wants to get their foot in the business world.
3. Determination
The third quality you'll need is determination. If you want to make it in the world of affiliate marketing, you must possess to push yourself forward. The ability to push yourself to greater heights will determine what type of future you have.
4. Discipline
The fourth quality is self discipline. If you teach yourself to work everyday with all of your heart and soul, you'll be that much closer to reaching your goals and making your dreams come true.
5. Optimism
The last quality you must have is optimism. Bad attitudes should never discourage an affiliate marketer from pursuing their dreams in order to make life better for themselves or anyone around them.
The attitude you have towards the business should always be good, because you'll have to realize that you're the captain of your ship and your the one steering it towards destiny.
If you put the above tips to good use, you'll go farther than you ever thought possible in the world of affiliate marketing. You'll need these qualities to succeed, as affiliate marketing can be a cutting edge career. With the above qualities, you'll do just fine in the industry.
Censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication, or other information. This may be done on the basis that such material is considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, or "inconvenient".[2][3][4] Censorship can be conducted by governments,[5] private institutions, and other controlling bodies.
Today, I tried to send a link through FB Messenger and an odd thing happened. The link wouldn't send.
Sent: 12:14 PM (today 8/14/21) and unsent: December 31, 1969 at 7:00 PM.
Interesting .....
The link was a podcast about the CDC phone surveys going out to parents across the country. (It was disturbing if true.) The phone surveys are real (Source: It piqued my curiosity and I listened. I tried to share it with someone who I've had these discussions with previously. Oops, guess I am not allowed to do this on the FB forum.
Every day I'm bombarded on tv, radio and social media about our health, the virus, and treatment. Pure psychological manipulation and appeal at its finest. Its dividing families, friends and a nation. I sometimes feel like I've stepped into a movie set.
This isn't about pro or con shots (that's your personal choice but the erosion of our right to free speech in the name of the greater good. Those that are truly aware are those that have tried to speak out. The result - they are censored and removed from social media platforms. Their words cannot be heard unless searched for on alternative (non-mainstream outlets) and if you seek answers and doubt the mainstream, you're labeled conspiracy theorist.
How do we know what's for the greater good if we cannot look at the data and decide? Look at our legal system, its an adversarial system with both sides presented and based on facts, and a decision is rendered. Why can't we look at both sides?
In life, what we see, read and hear influence our thoughts, opinions and decisions. That is a fact. Some accept the information because its on the news, its on FB, and its endorsed by the government and authoritative individuals, groups and organizations. Others what to know more.
... expression may be restricted only if it will clearly cause direct and imminent harm to an important societal interest. The classic example is falsely shouting fire in a crowded theater and causing a stampede. Even then, the speech may be silenced or punished only if there is no other way to avert the harm.
The right to free speech is limited (see left) for one permitted restriction, and the one relevant to today's increasing censorship.
We are in a vicious cycle right now because someone: the government? has determined the solution and this solution is the only way and any deviation from it will cause "imminent harm" to society at large. Those opposed are labeled outcasts, discredited and silenced.
This isn't a movie theater and no one is shouting fire. We are talking science. If the science is strong, then let people try to poke holes in it, let them point out the flaws and inconsistencies and the science will either stand on it's own or need reevaluation for improvement and further research. Are there holes no one wants us to see?
Are the people considered too ignorant to make choices on their own?
There are just too many questions unanswered and the implementation of censorship just adds to the list of unanswered questions.
What if we are curious to learn more? Why have innumerable measures been put in place to prevent us from learning all sides? What is going on?? I wish I knew.
After a search on censorship, here are the first links that came up:
And of course - I can't forget the link that started this all - that messenger would not let me share. It's disturbing. I am guessing there is a lot of speculation and interpretation of events but I still have the right to know and determine for myself what I believe or don't.
Just a few things to think about.
Are you looking to support your fur baby's skin and digestive health?
Just like us, our pets are exposed to a variety of toxins every day. Exposure occurs in a variety of ways, some of which are not expected.
How are our pets exposed to toxins?
Indoor Floors
Household cleaners
Flea control
Dog Foods
Dog treats
Dog toys
Salts (de-icing)
Clinoptilolite (zeolite) has been used safely and effectively on pets for years. And it's also fantastic for people! In simplistic terms, it works like a magnet and attracts the heavy metals and toxins so that they can be eliminated from the body. It also works on bug bites.
Check out some of the studies below if you are interested in learning more about zeolite, people and animals.
These studies show results of use:
Digestive health/microbiome:
Anti tumor in canine:
Interested to learn more, visit our page: and check out Pure Body and Pure Body Extra.
While a full body of research can be found on the National Institutes of Health website (, several notable research papers are provided for educational purposes.
Click our link to learn more about healtly living and creating a toxin free home environment.
This is my personal story:
In December, right before Christmas, I tested positive for Covid. I know exactly how and where I was infected. My job. It happens. I took every precaution and still got sick. Of course, I gave it to my husband, and he gave it to a few people at his work. Thankfully I did not share with any other family members.
I was sick for several weeks.I had mild respiratory issues, but it wrecked havoc on my stomach. My husband had mild cold-like symptoms for 2 days, then was fine. Neither of us had fevers, December 28th we both were re-tested and our tests were negative.
Fast forward to June. Thankfully, my husband is fine with no lingering effects ... but not so much for me. Granted I have underlying conditions (kidney & blood pressure) but for the life of me I have no idea what is going on. The doctors have yet to come up with anything either.
I'm seeing a gastroenterologist, recently had a colonoscopy and thankfully all came back normal. BUT this means they have yet to figure out what's causing the issues. You know that bloated and full feeling you have after gorging on a Thanksgiving meal. I feel like that every day, I wake up feeling that even though I haven't eaten in hours. Why? No one knows.The doctors have told me that there is little research right now on the affects of Covid and gut health. They have no idea why this is happening but its common to many with long haul issues.
I previously had a stomach of steel! I love all foods especially hot stuff. Those days are long gone. Wings (prepared by me) make me sick. Hot stuff makes me sick. Most everything turns my stomach upside down. I cut out sugar and processed foods years ago. These days its gluten free and bland. I guess that's ok because Covid really messed up my taste and smell too. II have some taste and smell somewhat back but not like it was. I smell smoke and diesel a lot even though it's not there. I smell it and no one else does. Anymore when I smell "unnatural" things, I just chalk it up to not being there and say nothing. I also smell things much after the fact. Just weird but after 6 months its sort of become the norm.
I don't want to make this too long - so in short - nothing much has yet shown up in my test results. I am highly deficient in Vitamin D. My level was 13 and the norm is 30-100. Also oddly, my Glucose is 110 (under 100 is normal). I don't eat sugar, rice, pasta, sweets etc.) My doctor keeps saying cut out these things, and I say, I already have years ago.
My life these days is: fatigue, brain fog, rapid heart rate (for no reason), stomach issues, bloating, sleeping issues, dizziness, pain, shortness of breath and I look like I've aged years in a matter of months. Some days are better than others but every day is a struggle. The doctors have no explanation. I joined a Covid support group and thankfully (and sadly) realize that I'm not alone. MANY people are facing similar issues and no one has any answers.
I'm taking a lot of natural supplements. Recently I started on Vitamin D Supplements, and a detox program for my body and my gut.
I have high hopes that my supplements will help as I wait it out for the doctors to give me something useful. In the meantime I am thankful for the Covid support group that I have found and know that I am not alone in this craziness. So many across the world are experiencing similar issues (and more) and yet the medical profession has no answers.
Why do some f us has long-lasting life-changing consequences from Covid and others don't. Hopefully we will have the answers one day. In the mean time I do the best I can, I work (from home) and rarely leave the house. My husband helps a lot and is supportive. My kids drive me to doctor appointments when I'm to light-headed to drive and I just look forward to the day that I feel like the old me.
Did you know more dogs go missing on July 4th than any other day of the year?
The sounds of fireworks can be terrifying to some dogs., If you go out (to enjoy the festivities) and leave your pup home alone, it may drive anxiety even higher.
Being prepared isn't just for the boy scouts but could make a big difference for your dog.
Every family and dog is different. What works for some doesn't always work for all; however, you never know until you try it! We may not make it go away, but our actions can help and make a difference and reduce your dog's stress and anxiety.
My dogs are highly sensitive to and stressed by fireworks (and thunder storms). We moved into a new house in September, several years ago, little did we know the town fireworks were so close. July 4th came and I felt like I was in a war zone. I knew what was going on, but it was a bit overwhelming, however my dogs did not understand and were completely freaked out. Our first 4th didn't go so well with the pups because we weren't prepared. Last year, we closed the windows, ran the air conditioner, turned on the fans, watched a loud action movie and used CBD oil and all went so much better!!
Here are some tips we have found to help with our dogs that we'd like to share with you to help keep your dog safe and less stressed this July 4th.
On the 4th, plan to give your dog some extra exercise. A tired pup will want to go to sleep early and this can help to make him less likely to react to the booming night-time festivities.
Close the windows, turn on the air conditioner, or a fan (or other white noise), turn on music or the TV. There are many ways to create "noise" inside the house that will help muffle the outside booms. Last year we watched the movie "Olympus Has Fallen," lots of action and noise, and surprisingly it covered the sounds of the fireworks very well.
Many pet parents have found success with CBD oil. Whether for daily or situational use, CBD is a safe alternative to pharmaceuticals. For a limited time, Pawsitively Well is offering a special promotion on CBD oil. Get your first bottle for $5, and included is a 30 day, empty bottle, money back guarantee and free shipping.
If you'd like to learn more about CBD for dogs, click here.
We use CBD oil with our dog regularly. For stressful situations such as vet visits, fire works, thunderstorms or other changes in routine, we find a little extra serving of CBD helps to minimize stress, diffuse a situation and keep our pups happy with minimal stress.
Recent surveys show that 1 out of every 10 pet owners have purchased CBD oil for their animals. 52% of these purchases resulted from vet recommendations. Their top reasons for usage included pain (29%), anxiety (32%) and general wellness (29%). (Source: DataTrek) If you haven't tried CBD oil, this is a great opportunity or if you tried it before and didn't see results, you can't go wrong with this opportunity and our money back guarantee.
If you plan to go out for the fireworks and leave your dog alone, ensure that you have created a safe and familiar environment for your pup. Make sure the windows are closed (dogs have been known to jump through screens), utilize background noise, and use a crate if possible.
People will often use essential oils as an option to create a more relaxed environment for their animals, click here to learn more.
We use essential oils a lot in our home, click here to read more about essential oils and your animals.
Animals, especially dogs, are very in tune to their "people's" emotions and energy. If you are feeling stressed, it won't go unnoticed by your dog. So, if the booms are causing you anxiety, expect this will affect your dog. Create a self care plan for yourself AND your dog. Minimize your stress and the effects will be felt by all around you.
If you have not tried meditation, it is very calming for both people and animals. For more information, check out this guided meditation.
Buy your dog a new bone if they enjoy chewing or fill a kong with some special treats (we like to freeze ours). Once stressed your pup will likely ignore the treats, but if timed correctly with noise distractions, a new goody may help further occupy and distract your dog from the booms outside.
Cut up your dog's favorite treat into small pieces, and every time there is a boom, give your dog a treat. If your pup is food motivated, he will quickly associate his treat with the booms. Again, not all dogs will eat when stressed. We have one like that. She LOVES her food, but when stressed, she has ZERO interest in any food.
You can also practice this ahead of time with recordings of fireworks or thunder. However, if you do, it's important that you give the treat right AFTER the boom, if you do it too soon then your dog will associate food with the boom (sound) and you don't want to do that as it may cause food anxiety.
Providing hugs and cuddles and being nearby, if possible, will reduce tension and anxiety and hep build your dog's confidence.
It's best not to take your dog out during the fireworks unless you are positive that he is comfortable. Even the calmest of dogs can sometimes panic when they hear or see those big bangs.
Simply do what's best for your dog, but most important, think ahead and be prepared. For my dogs, I use a combination of exercise, background noise, essential oils and CBD oil. If you haven't tried CBD, and want to give it a try then this is the perfect opportunity. For only $5, you can receive for first bottle of oil (money back guarantee) and give it a try.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out. Email: [email protected] or text 774-826-8118. We are always happy to help with any questions!
If you are looking for additional calming remedies, then you will want to check out this page.
Reiki as a supportive healing technique is best known for people, however it is becoming more popular as a healing support for animals as well.
As a Reiki practitioner, working with animals is very different than working with people. Animals are very in tune with our (human) energy and attitude/emotions and these will affect the animals willingness to accept the offered healing energy.
Just like people, when animals sick, stressed or injured, they are energetically imbalanced. Through Reiki, the practitioner offers an energetic connection that the animal can use to relax, self-heal and re-balance themself.
Reiki is NOT a substitute for medical diagnosis and treatment but is a compliment to conventional and alternative therapies.
In the Let Animals Lead method, animals "are the leaders in the process, taking only the amount of energy they wish to receive." (Source: The Animal Reiki Handbook)
(Source: The Animal Reiki Handbook)
(Source: The Animal Reiki handbook)
Although Reiki for people is typically a hands-on treatment, the approach with animals is very different.
With the Let Animals Lead method, practitioners usually start treatment several feet away from the animal and allow them to approach for hands-on treatment if they choose. Often animals will come forward and place certain areas of their body in the hands of the practitioner to show where they need healing the most. Other animals will lie down several feet away and fall asleep.
Animal Reiki treatments do not require physical contact for success. This makes Reiki an ideal treatment for animals who are fearful, skittish, abused, aggressive and even wild animals.
Reiki offers a healing possibility for the animal. What she decides to do with the possibility is up to her. We cannot predict what happens next because balance and healing are not always apparent and may have different meanings for the individual animal.
You can look for "healing shifts" in the animal. This means changes in the physical, mental, or spiritual levels. This could mean:
Reiki with animals is an amazing way to add animals into your daily meditative practices and is a natural healing practice for you and all animals.
If you'd like to learn more check out my resource page.
or Let Animals Lead & Animal Reiki Source page.
If you know an animal shelter or sanctuary that might benefit from Reiki, visit the Shelter Animal Reiki Association (SARA) page.
Feel free to email me with any questions or if you have an Animal Reiki experience that you'd like to share with us. [email protected]
No matter the age, breed, or size of your dog, playtime is important for maintaining physical and mental wellness. As pet parents, our dog’s playful spirit is one of the reasons we love them so much! To nurture this spirit as well as stimulate and fulfill natural instincts, toys are a great addition to any playtime routine. When choosing a new toy for your dog there are just a few things to consider.
Age won’t matter so much when it comes to choosing toys once your dog is a mature adult. But choosing toys for puppies requires some closer consideration.
While puppies still have baby teeth (up to about 3 months), softer rubber and plush toys are a great fit. Many puppies get tired quickly and love to have snuggly fabrics around to nap in after playing.
Once your puppy starts teething (from about 3-9 months), avoid rubber toys as he will be more likely to rip pieces off potentially eating them and presenting a choking hazard. During this phase you will want to have plenty of chew toys to go around! This alleviates some of the discomfort of teething and distracts your dog from chewing on less ideal household items.
After the teething phase has passed your dog’s teeth and jaws will now be harder and more mature. They will likely still have boundless energy and adore the fun of hard rubber toys, balls to fetch, and rope pulls. As dogs age into their senior years, it is important to encourage them to keep active through play. Be mindful to changes in tooth condition and jaw strength as your pet ages to ensure they do not overexert themselves or damage teeth while playing.
Even once dogs reach adulthood they certainly vary greatly in size and body composition, and this should be taken into consideration when choosing a new toy.
Dogs with smaller jaws and teeth (like the chihuahua pictured left) will likely prefer softer toys such as plush or rope toys. A larger and/or stronger dog, however, may damage this type of fabric too easily and present themselves a choking hazard by ripping off and swallowing small pieces. Use your best judgment of your dog’s size and strength when choosing a new toy, and always replace damaged or broken toys for safety.
Dog toys differ not only in size but also in function. To make the most out of playtime, get to know which types of play your dog loves the most and then provide them the toys which cater to those needs.
One of the most classic dog toys is a ball to play fetch! Most dogs love to play fetch (a favorite past time of my own beloved Jack Russell) and will catch on to the game after just a little bit of training. If this sounds like your dog, look around the toy aisle at the various types of balls available. There are numerous colors, materials, and sizes. Finding one that your pooch loves can do a lot for strengthening your bond as well as providing a great source of exercise.
Another classic and favorite toy for dogs is tug and rope toys. Most dogs will enjoy chewing these, throwing them in the air, and even playing tug-of-war. Be mindful though that tug-of-war should always be kept at a safe and non-aggressive level. Dogs should be properly socialized and trained with these toys from a young age to avoid any aggressive or unpleasant behavior around them in the future. Still, many pups adore these types of toys and prefer them over others. Tug toys come in fabrics such as fire hose, leather, linen, plush, or rope so be sure to find the one best suited to your pooch.
Some dogs just want to chew no matter how old they get. For a pup like this it is best to provide toys specific to this purpose.
Often toys made of hard rubber or nylon are built to last and durable enough to be chewed on even by the big guys. Some toys like these also have the option to put treats inside as an extra reward to your dog for all that playing. Toys like this are appropriate for dogs of all ages, but you may notice as your dog ages that the size or durability of the toys she needs can change as well. Making these small changes will encourage your dog to stay active and playful even into the senior years.
Plush toys are another immensely popular option and are loved by many dogs and pet parents. These are often most appropriate for young puppies as well as small breed dogs. Larger and more active dogs can easily shred plush toys and create an unsafe situation. But for the dogs that love them, plush toys can not only be fun but can also offer comfort for sleeping and snuggling which is just a bonus.
There are many options when it comes to choosing a toy for your dog. The surplus of options can even be overwhelming at times to the average pet parent. But keeping in mind some of the points discussed in this post, you can confidently walk the toy aisle in the pet store and know that you are making an informed decision. Playing is a natural instinct for dogs and is essential for the health of their minds and bodies. But perhaps even more importantly, playing with our dogs creates an even closer bond and allows us to spend time with our furry friends doing what they love to do! To run, to fetch, to chew, this is the life of a dog and I think we are all just a little bit jealous of that.
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