Eggs & Incubator Photo Gallery

Eggs & Incubator: The joy of hatching chicks is a magical experience that unfolds like a story of new beginnings. From the anticipation of the first cracks in the eggshell to the moment a tiny, chirping ball of fluff emerges, the journey is nothing…

Cluck-tastic Capers: Ironman

Clucktastic Capers: A short story inspired by my hen Ironman … Once upon a time, on a quaint little farm, there lived a remarkable hen named Ironman. Unlike the other hens, Ironman possessed extraordinary strength and resilience that made her stand out from the…

Eggs: US vs European Standards

Here in the US, we buy our clean refrigerated eggs from the grocery … but Europe is very different. There are no regulations for cleaning and the eggs are stored at room temperature. Both methods are designed to prevent salmonella but the strategies are…

Growing Sprouts: A Flock Favorite

With the winter cold coming and no more grass until spring, I like to provide my flock with sprouts throughout the winter. Wheat berries are one of their favorites! These are one well-balanced and nutritious food to include in a chicken’s daily diet! Here’s…

How NOT To Build A Chicken Coop

Learn from my mistakes … how NOT to build and plan a chicken coop. I’ve been wanting chickens for a few years and it took me about that long to convince my husband that we needed, or in other words, that I wanted them….

Silence is broken Changing times I don’t know about you, but I do not like the time change! Neither do my chickens. The once peaceful and silent mornings are now broken with VERY early morning crowing thanks to my confused rooster. Prior to the time change,…