Exchequer Leghorn

Exchequer Leghorn (Photo from Myer Hatchery)
Exchequer Leghorn (Photo from Myer Hatchery)

The Exchequer Leghorn is a striking and relatively rare variety of the well-known Leghorn chicken breed, celebrated for its distinctive plumage and excellent egg-laying capabilities. Originating from Italy and later refined in Britain and America, the Leghorn breed has been a favorite among poultry enthusiasts for centuries. The Exchequer variation, in particular, boasts an intriguing history and a unique appearance that sets it apart from other Leghorn varieties.

Origin and History

The Exchequer Leghorn's origins trace back to the early 20th century in Britain, where it was developed from the Leghorn breed, known for its prolific egg production. The Exchequer Leghorn was named for its unique plumage, reminiscent of the checkered pattern found on the Exchequer table used by officials of the medieval English treasury. This variety was bred for both its striking appearance and its utility, maintaining the Leghorn's reputation for high egg yield.

Color Varieties

The Exchequer Leghorn is characterized by its black and white checkered plumage. The feathers are a mix of black and white in a mottled pattern, giving the bird a speckled appearance that is both eye-catching and unique. This distinctive coloration makes the Exchequer Leghorn one of the most visually interesting varieties of the Leghorn breed.

Egg Color and Production

Like other Leghorn chickens, Exchequers are excellent layers, known for their ability to produce a large number of eggs. They typically lay white eggs, with an average production rate of about 250 to 300 eggs per year. This makes them an excellent choice for homesteaders and backyard poultry keepers who prioritize egg production.


Exchequer Leghorns are a lightweight breed, which contributes to their agility and activeness. Hens weigh approximately 4.5 to 5.5 pounds, while roosters are slightly heavier, weighing in at around 6 pounds. Their size makes them well-suited to free-ranging in search of food, though they also adapt well to confinement.


Exchequer Leghorns are known for their lively and active disposition. They are highly alert birds, making them excellent foragers that can effectively find their own food when allowed to free-range. While they can be somewhat flighty, with proper handling and socialization from a young age, they can become more accustomed to human interaction.

Interesting Fact

An interesting aspect of the Exchequer Leghorn is its rarity. This variety is not as commonly found as other Leghorn colors, making it a unique addition to poultry shows and a conversation starter in backyard flocks. Their striking appearance and hardy nature make them a prized variety for those who are able to source them.

Suitability for Backyard Flocks

Exchequer Leghorns are well-suited for backyard flocks, especially in settings where space allows for free-ranging. Their foraging ability helps reduce feed costs, and their high egg production ensures a steady supply of fresh eggs. However, their flightiness and speed mean that secure fencing is necessary to keep them safe and contained.

In conclusion, the Exchequer Leghorn chicken breed is a remarkable variety that combines the best of both worlds: a stunning appearance and exceptional egg-laying capabilities. For homesteaders and poultry enthusiasts looking for a breed that stands out in the flock, the Exchequer Leghorn offers both beauty and utility, making it a valuable and rewarding choice for any poultry keeper.