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Let’s Talk Rooster


This is my rooster Storm, a Silver Deathlayer. At the time of writing, he is about 8 months old.

I won't go into the story of getting him (I'll save that for another day). I wanted a Deathlayer roo, and was happy to hatch him and his 2 DL hens. He joined my Wyandotte hens (3) and we recently added  Amercauna hens (2) to his flock.

Storm was as sweet as anything until his girls started laying and about the time his hormones kicked in. Now, he has his moments and I am working hard to understand his behavior and build trust.

I am in a lot of chicken groups on Facebook and I see so many posts about roosters and the recommended solutions to their natural behaviors. When you really look at the psychology, many of the recommendations, just don't make sense.

First, we need to look at the primary purpose of a rooster, it's to protect the flock. Chickens are prey animals, and their instinct to survive is strong. A rooster's instinct protect the flock is STRONG.

People's first go-to, when it comes to roosters, is dominance. Many methods of dominance are actually creating fear.  Fear is not trust, and it's not the relationship that I am looking to create with my rooster.

Sophia holding Storm

A little digression but I have worked with horses for many years, another prey animal. Dominance doesn't work. I could not nor would not try to out muscle and dominate a 1200 lb animal. Granted, roosters are only 7lbs or so (depending on the breed) and easy to out muscle ... but the psychology, regardless of size, is the same.

A relationship of fear is not the goal. It may provide a temporary solution but disaster is ahead. Fear may create submission, but that isn't trust and could have unwanted consequences when you aren't looking.

Fear and dominance can be interconnected in various ways, especially in social animals like roosters. Understanding this relationship involves recognizing that fear can influence dominance behaviors, and dominant behaviors can elicit fear responses. Here are some ways in which fear and dominance may relate in roosters:

  1. Submission due to Fear:
    • A rooster may display submissive behaviors as a response to fear. If it perceives a dominant rooster or another threat, it may exhibit behaviors such as crouching, avoiding eye contact, or stepping aside to avoid confrontation.
  2. Dominance as a Response to Fear:
    • On the flip side, a rooster may adopt dominant behaviors as a way to cope with fear or insecurity. By asserting dominance over other flock members, including hens or subordinate roosters, the dominant rooster may feel more secure in its position within the social hierarchy.
  3. Fear-Induced Aggression:
    • Fear can sometimes manifest as aggression, especially if a rooster feels cornered or threatened. In such cases, a rooster may respond aggressively to establish control over its environment and alleviate fear.
  4. Fearful Response to Dominance Displays:
    • Lesser-ranked roosters or subordinate flock members may exhibit fear in response to dominant displays by a more assertive rooster. The dominant rooster's confident body language, vocalizations, or resource control may induce fear in others.
  5. Hierarchy Establishment:
    • Dominance is often a crucial component of establishing and maintaining a social hierarchy within a flock. However, this process may involve moments of fear and uncertainty, especially among subordinate members as they navigate their roles within the group.
  6. Fear Reduction through Dominance:
    • In some cases, a dominant rooster may contribute to reducing fear in the flock by providing a sense of order and protection. The confidence and assertiveness of a dominant rooster can create a more secure environment for other flock members.

Understanding the complex interplay between fear and dominance in roosters requires careful observation of their behavior in different situations. Creating an environment that minimizes stressors and provides adequate space and resources can contribute to a healthier balance between fear and dominance within the flock.

pita pinta

Roosters aren't for everyone. For some flocks, they aren't necessary. And sadly roosters are a dime a dozen ... think about it ... 1 rooster to 8-10 hens with a 50% hen/rooster hatch rate ... to most roosters are disposable. Solution to a problem, make soup and get another and try again.

So again think of the psychology, create fear in your rooster and it will increase their innate drive to protect. Cultivate trust, a different story. It takes time and work, but if you have a rooster you want, especially rare breeds, putting the time in is well worth it.

Dealing with a rooster that exhibits aggressive behavior can be challenging, but it's important to address the issue to ensure the safety of yourself and others. Here are some steps to take if a rooster attacks:

  1. Stay Calm:
    • Reacting with fear or aggression can escalate the situation. Stay calm and try to remain assertive without becoming confrontational.
  2. Protect Yourself:
    • If a rooster is charging or attacking, use a barrier such as a shovel, broom, or a piece of cardboard to shield yourself. This can help prevent injury.
  3. Use Protective Gear:
    • Consider wearing gloves, long sleeves, and pants for added protection against scratches and pecks.
  4. Establish Dominance:
    • Roosters can become aggressive when they perceive themselves as the dominant figure. To establish yourself as the dominant one, use a firm but not aggressive tone and body language.
  5. Avoid Turning Your Back:
    • Keep the rooster in your line of sight. Turning your back may trigger an attack.
  6. Use Distractions:
    • Toss a handful of treats or feed away from you to redirect the rooster's attention. This can provide an opportunity for you to move away safely.
  7. Provide Adequate Space:
    • Ensure that the rooster has sufficient space in its living area. Overcrowding can contribute to aggression.
  8. Separate Aggressive Roosters:
    • If you have multiple roosters, consider separating the aggressive one from the flock to prevent injuries to other birds.
  9. Evaluate the Rooster's Health:
    • Aggressive behavior can sometimes be linked to health issues or discomfort. Check for signs of injury or illness and consult with a veterinarian if needed.
  10. Consider Rehoming:
    • If the rooster's aggression persists despite efforts to manage it, you may need to consider rehoming the bird to a more suitable environment.

Remember that aggression in roosters can be influenced by various factors, including genetics, age, and previous experiences. Regular handling and positive interactions from a young age can help prevent aggressive behavior in the first place. If you're uncertain about how to handle an aggressive rooster, seek advice from experienced poultry keepers or consult with a veterinarian who specializes in poultry care.


More about Storm ... he has come at me ... but never has "yet" made contact. I never turn my back on him, I always bring him treats (he loves popcorn), he hates new voices ... if I am on my phone collecting eggs or near the run and on speaker phone, he gets upset and aggressive. He does not like me handling "his" hens. He always backs off if I step towards him. I have to use a net to catch him. I wish this wasn't the case and am working to change it, but it is what it is right now. When I catch him, I hold and pet him and he relaxes.

I am always contentious of his behavior.  I can see when he is agitated. I NEVER wear shorts in the run. I have gloves that I wear when needed, like when opening or shutting my coop door (it gets stuck) because it doesn't work smoothly, it will be fixed but until then, I wear gloves because Storm will come at the door if it gets stuck and he feels threatened and peck my fingers.. Sounds silly, but I now sing to them when I go in the coop to close the door at night (Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah).

The bottom line is Storm doesn't trust me. Will he learn to? I hope so. I will do all that I can to earn his trust ... soup isn't the answer.

Want to learn more about building a relationship with your rooster, then check out Roovolution.

Our Chicks: Photo Gallery

The joy of raising chicks is a heartwarming journey that unfolds with each fluffy ball of feathers. From the moment they peck their way into the world, a unique bond begins to form. It's witnessing their first tentative steps, the soft chirps that fill the air, and the curious exploration of their surroundings that bring an indescribable joy. Raising chicks is not just about nurturing their physical growth but also fostering a sense of companionship. The daily rituals of feeding, the gentle clucking conversations, and the thrill of seeing them develop distinct personalities create an intimate connection that goes beyond the ordinary.

Deathlayer cross chicks

It's a reminder of the cycles of life, the beauty of growth, and the pure delight found in the simplicity of caring for these tiny, feathered wonders. In every fluttering wing and curious gaze, there's a reflection of the joy that comes with being a part of their journey from chickhood to the thriving members of the flock.

Check out our March 16, 2024 hatch photoshoot ...

girl with chick
opal legbar
pita pinta
Coffee Pepper 2.25.23 e
Coffee 2.25.23 b

Taming The Storm 10/13/23


Meet Storm, my young Deathlayer rooster and a little fireball. I hatched him in April and he was a sweetheart ... he was a sweetheart up until his girls started laying.

One day, I went in his run with my granddaughter and he charged her. That was the start.

He's come at me about 4 times BUT in observing his behavior and when it happens, I see this as "protectiveness" and not "aggression." He's young, his hormones have kicked in and his behavior (which I closely watch) indicates he is learning his job. He's fine 90% of the time but if he feels his girls are threatened, he protects.

Today was probably our worst day. He came at me this morning when I opened the coop and again tonight when I was ready to put them to bed. There was NO excuse this morning except he was acting like an ass ... tonight, he went to bed but 2 girls were still out. When I went in to close the door, they were still out and he came out to protect them. I get that BUT it's unacceptable.

Previously, catching him was impossible, but now I set up a little pen inside the run (I'm integrating 2 hens into the flock) so catching him now is a breeze.

I caught him this morning and again tonight. No problem. Although, I guess I was yelling at him tonight, so much that my husband heard me and opened the window and yelled out if I was okay. LOL, yep, I was, but I guess I was loud in the process.

Our routine when this happens is that I pin him on his back on the ground and hold him there until he relaxes. I then pick him up with his head faced downward, like a football under my arm and carry him around.

Once I have him, he is calm. He doesn't fight back in any way and is as sweet as he was as a baby.


I will be the first to say that my experience with roosters is minimal. Horses, dogs, cats ... years of experience but roosters are new.

I figure if I can handle a 1200 lb horse, I can deal with an 8 lb (if that) rooster. In dealing with him, these are my thoughts:

  • No fear. I am not afraid of Storm. If I was afraid of him, he'd be gone.
  • Observing and understanding his behavior. He is young and protective, not aggressive.
  • Developing trust so he knows I won't hurt our girls and I know he will protect them.
  • Handling Storm as much as possible, making it a positive experience.
  • Always being prepared and on the offensive: very simple, have my arms and legs covered when I go in the room, maintain eye contact and exit the run when he is relaxed.

Every day may not be perfect but we are working on an understanding.

I worked hard to get this boy and am not giving up on him.

Tomorrow is another day.

Sophia holding Storm
baby Deathlayer chicks
Deathlayer chick

🍂✨ Harvesting Growth: Cultivating an October Mindset ✨🎃

Greetings, seekers of growth and pumpkin-spiced wisdom! Let's unravel the magic of October and how its essence aligns with cultivating a fruitful mindset. 🌾🍁

October, a month of transition, of leaves changing hues, and a gentle nudge towards winter. Just like the changing seasons, our mindset can adapt, evolve, and bear fruit. 🌳💫

Here's how the spirit of October mirrors the facets of mindset:

🍂 Embrace Change: Just as trees gracefully shed their leaves, let's shed old beliefs and embrace change in our mindset. Change is a beautiful part of growth.

🎃 Celebrate Individuality: Just like each pumpkin is unique, celebrate your individuality within your mindset. Embrace your quirks and strengths.

🌙 Balance and Harmony: October embodies the balance between warmth and coolness. Strive for a balanced mindset—harmonizing your goals, aspirations, and well-being.

🍎 Harvest Your Efforts: October is the harvest season. Similarly, it's crucial to recognize and appreciate the fruits of our labor within our mindset. Celebrate your achievements, no matter how small.

🍁 Letting Go with Grace: Trees release old leaves, making way for new growth. Similarly, let's release negative thoughts and past regrets, allowing space for fresh perspectives and growth.

October is a reminder that change is a beautiful part of life, and within that change lies the potential for growth and abundance. 🌟🌰

Are you ready to harvest a mindset that's ripe with possibilities and ready for the crisp adventures of life? 🌾🍎

#OctoberMindset #HarvestingGrowth #EmbraceChange #FruitfulMindset 🍂🌟

🥚✨ Egg-citing Mindset: The Shell of Potential ✨🌱

Greetings, curious minds! Today, let's embark on an egg-ceptional journey and crack open the wisdom an egg holds about the power of mindset. 🐣🌈

An egg—a small marvel that embodies potential, growth, and transformation. In many ways, our mindset is like the protective shell of this egg, encapsulating the potential to hatch greatness. 🚀💡

Here's how an egg reflects the essence of mindset:

🌱 Potential Within: Just like an egg holds a life within, our mindset holds the potential for growth, creativity, and success. It's all about nurturing and allowing that potential to flourish.

🐣 Breaking Boundaries: A chick breaks through the confines of its shell to embrace the world. Similarly, a resilient mindset propels us to break through our limitations, revealing our true capabilities.

💪 Inner Strength: The eggshell might seem fragile, but it's remarkably strong. Similarly, our mindset may face challenges, but it possesses a resilient core that can endure and overcome.

🌟 Crack Open Positivity: As we crack open an egg, let's crack open negativity, doubts, and fears from our mindset. Infuse it with positivity, hope, and a can-do attitude.

🎉 The Joy of Unveiling: Hatching from an egg is a moment of joy and revelation. Similarly, every breakthrough in our mindset brings us joy and a deeper understanding of our potential.

Let's nurture our mindset like we would nurture an egg, understanding that within that delicate shell lies the immense potential to hatch our dreams. 🌠✨

Are you ready to crack open your mindset and witness the brilliance that lies within? 🌟🐥

#EggcitingMindset #BreakTheShell #UnleashPotential #CrackOpenPositivity 🐣🌿

Embrace the web of possibilities that your mindset can create!

spider web

Let's talk about spiderwebs and the incredible mindset they represent. 🌟

Imagine the intricate design of a spiderweb—every thread meticulously placed, each intersection holding a purpose. In our lives, our mindset is akin to this delicate yet robust creation. 🕷️✨

Just like a spider tirelessly weaves its web, we too are constantly crafting our mindset. Our thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes interlace to form the intricate patterns that shape our reality. 💭💫

Here's what we can learn from a spiderweb:

🌿 Resilience and Adaptability: A spider doesn't falter if a part of its web breaks; it rebuilds. Similarly, in life, setbacks don't define us; our resilience and ability to adapt do.

🌸 Interconnectedness: Each thread in a spiderweb is connected, just as our thoughts and actions are interconnected. What we do and believe affects everything else in our lives.

🌱 Patience and Perseverance: Spiders patiently craft their webs, often starting anew if needed. Likewise, a patient mindset and perseverance in our goals yield the best results.

🌞 Catching Positivity: Just like a spiderweb catches prey, a positive mindset attracts opportunities and joy into our lives. Focus on the good, and more good will come your way.

🌌 Expanding Horizons: A spiderweb starts small but can grow vast. Our mindset, too, has the potential to expand and evolve as we continue to learn and grow.

Let's be weavers of our mindset, embracing the delicate yet resilient nature of a spiderweb. 🌠✨ Let's craft a mindset that captures dreams, navigates challenges, and creates a beautiful, interconnected tapestry of life. 🌏💖

Embrace the web of possibilities that your mindset can create! 🕸️💪

8 Advantages Of A Positive Attitude


8 Advantages of a Positive Attitude

It can be easy to have a negative attitude since life can be challenging. However, a positive attitude can change everything. A positive attitude is considered by many experts to be the best predictor of success. Nothing else can impact so many characteristics pivotal to success.

However, a good attitude can be difficult to maintain when faced with challenges. Luckily, a positive attitude is a habit that can be built over time.

The benefits of a positive attitude are considerable:

  1. Attitude affects your interpretation of events. Obstacles are a part of any significant success. With a poor attitude, every obstacle is viewed as a threat, rather than a challenge. Obstacles can even be viewed as fun and interesting with the appropriate attitude.
  2. A positive attitude is motivating. Nothing is more motivating than positive thoughts and expectations. Think about how you behave if you have a bad attitude and expect failure. Everything comes to a grinding halt. After all, why would you continue if you expected a negative outcome? A positive attitude ensures that progress continues.
  3. A positive attitude lowers stress. With a positive attitude, it’s much easier to be happy and relaxed. A poor attitude increases the amount of stress in any situation. There will always be stressful times, but a positive and optimistic attitude helps to diffuse the situation. A good attitude prevents and allievates stress.
  4. A positive attitude inspires others. The people around you are affected by your attitude, including your coworkers, friends, and family. Those around you are more capable when your attitude is positive. This also benefits your personal success.
  5. Fear is easier to overcome with the proper attitude. Fear coupled with a negative attitude is the perfect recipe for becoming and remaining stuck. A positive attitude acts as a magnet for courage. Those most paralyzed by fear are those with the worst attitude and expectations.
  • Fear distorts perception, and a positive attitude reduces that distortion. A positive attitude can negate the effects of fear.
  1. A positive attitude increases endurance. When your attitude is negative, your stamina is reduced. It’s much more challenging to press on when you expect the worst. A poor attitude magnifies every setback and makes obstacles seem insurmountable. Those with a negative attitude whine and quit first. Those with a positive attitude seem indefatigable.
  2. A positive attitude boosts self-esteem. When you expect good things to happen, you can’t help but feel confident and good about yourself. Success is more likely to happen when you have faith in yourself. When you believe the best about yourself, you’ll take on bigger goals and accomplish more.
  3. A positive attitude attracts positive results. It’s often said that good things happen to good people. It would be more accurate to state that good things happen to those with good attitudes.
  • You’ll attract more opportunities in general when your attitude is at its best.
  • The positive results that come from a positive attitude are the culmination of all the previously mentioned advantages. The stamina, self-esteem, motivation, and perspective provided by a positive attitude foster success.

Your attitude is an excellent predictor of your success. When you expect the best to happen, you’ll continue working until your goals are reached. You also attract better opportunities, feel better about yourself, and experience less stress. A positive attitude may be the best tool you can add to your success toolbox. Lift up your attitude and you’ll raise your results.

Buying Shipped Hatching Eggs

girl looking in incubator

Sometimes buying shipped hatching eggs is necessary if you are looking for a specific breed that can't be found locally.

I found myself in this position as I was trying to build my flock.

I bought my incubator in April and hatched my first set of eggs. These eggs were from a local flock. It went well.

My dream was to have Deathlayers, so next I found some on E-Bay. I had no idea they even sold hatching eggs and I bought 6. I also found a breeder and bought a dozen. The E-Bay eggs came from OH & the others from OK.

OH sent 7 eggs & OK sent 18 so I started with 25 eggs. End result = 4 chicks. 0 eggs from OK and 4 from OH.

They arrived the same day (that took some planning). They all sat for 24 hours before I put them together in the incubator.  So what went wrong? I can't tell you for sure, but I learned a lot from that experience.

Note: this is an affiliate link and I may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you, if you choose to purchase from my link. Here are many of the products that I use.


Everyone ships their eggs differently and all say their method works the best.

In my venture to get Deathlayers with shipped and eggs, I only received 1 broken egg.

Below are some of the photos of the eggs I received and how they were packed.

Eggs shipped in the heat are usually pack with an ice pack ... but when one breaks in transit, on a hot day ... it is stinky!

broken egg
hatching eggs
hatching eggs
hatching eggs
hatching eggs

Overall, I had no issues with shipping. All were secured and packed well but it is a hard journey on the eggs. What happens in transit is out of your hands and the shipper/breeder. They can't and don't guarantee eggs for this reason.

shipping egg label

Eggs should be shipped Express so they arrive as quickly as possible. All my boxes arrived with clear identification that they contained "live egg embryos." I had some deliver to my door and others deliver and held at the post office.

Depending on the weather, your schedule, and preference, this is an important question to ask and clearly discuss before you order hatching eggs.

When Your Eggs Arrive:

There are many resources available on how people handle shipped-hatching eggs. I have read many!

I candle my eggs after they arrive to look for any cracks. I also let them sit for 24 hours before placing them in the incubator.

I put my eggs in an empty egg carton, pointy side down, and let them sit.

As with anything, there are WRONG ways, but there are also many right ways, and some may be better than others but the bottom line is discovering what you are most comfortable with AND what works best for you.


Typically the air sacs become detached during shipping. All my shipped eggs have arrived with detached air sacs. Some stabilized midway through incubation, while others did not.

Setting The Eggs:

I have 2 incubators: one that rocks the eggs forward and back, and another that rolls the eggs.

I always use the incubator that rocks the eggs forward and back for shipped eggs. With some eggs, I waited 5 days before using the turner (rocker), others I started after 24 hours, and did not note a difference.

Sometime I incubate several groups of eggs in the same incubator, so on lock-down, I move those eggs to a different incubator, so I can adjust the humidity. This has worked well as long as you plan the days appropriately.

eggs in incubator
eggs in lock down
eggs in incubator
eggs in incubator


Although acquiring my Deathlayers (I now have 4) has been quite the (costly) experience, I have learned a lot.

First and foremost, knowing about the flock that you are receiving the hatching eggs from is important. I had several issues with my eggs because they came from small breeders. I don't know for sure but I think my OK eggs (I mentioned earlier) were old. 0 of 18 is really bad. With a small flock, it takes time to gather 18 eggs, then ship them across the country.

The eggs I ordered from E-Bay (that went in the incubator with my OK) eggs did well.  BUT I know nothing about these eggs except it's a seller on E-Bay, who sells a variety of rare breeds with a good rating. (Not good research on my part).

hatching egg
Hatching eggs

With my early eggs, I did not know about NPIP certified. Our state laws require eggs to be certified to ship into the state.

I never asked about my OH eggs because I didn't even know to ask the question. It wasn't on my radar.

I worked very hard and became NPIP certified in July, so although my original OH eggs, now hatched Deathlayers were probably not certified, they were tested with my flock in July, and are now certified.

Right before I became certified, I ordered more eggs on E-Bay (not smart on my part). I presumed the eggs were certified because of state laws. BUT no! I was very wrong. My next batch of eggs (also from OH) were NOT certified and following NPIP requirements, I could not have them. I had someone hatch them for me and I gave them away.

Deathlayer chicks
gold & silver deathlayers
Silver deathlayer

The breeder had never heard of NPIP and had no idea of the laws and regulations governing shipping hatching eggs and clearly no one on the state level was monitoring the requirements. He was able to ship them into MA without a problem.

I am guessing this happens often plus, most people who are certified won't be buying eggs from E-Bay or unknown origins.

Since I could not keep these eggs (sadly) I ordered more eggs from an NPIP breeder selling shipping eggs.

This turned into quite the fiasco. I ordered 6 Gold Deathlayer eggs. Apparently there was an issue with the eggs and my order kept getting pushed back. After a 3 week delay my order was shipped with extra eggs. I received 5 Gold Deathlayers. The 6th broke. 4 Gold Laced Brahmas, and 2 Pita Pintas and 1 Cemani. Remember, my original order was 6 Gold Deathlayers.

End result: 0 Gold Deathlayers, 0 Cemanis, 3 Gold Laced Brahmas, and 1 Pita Pinta.

I laugh because I did not want or expect these eggs, I just wanted Deathlayers.

I am keeping the Pita Pinta. It looks like it might be a roo (oh no)  which means I may need a 3rd run (chicken math).

As much as I love the Brahmas and they are beautiful, I won't be keeping them. Once I can determine their sex, 2 will become available. I will keep one (probably the runt) to keep my Pita Pinta company. And yes, one Pita Pinta means I need more. ... but that can wait until spring.

This is where the logistics come in ... if Melody (the Pita Pinta) is a pullet, she will go in with the Cemanis ... but if its a roo, he will need his own flock. Time will tell.

pita pinta
pita pinta

If you are hatching a small number of eggs, be prepared to handle a single chick hatching.

I received 4 Ayam Cemani hatching eggs from a local (certified) flock. 2 eggs were fertile and went into the incubator. Only 1 hatched. My grandson named him Spiderman. I knew this was a possibility so I had a little mirror and stuffed animal ready to go in the brooder, if I needed them. And I needed them.

My Brahma's and Pita Pinta hatched about 3 weeks earlier and were already too big for the new baby. I thought I found some backup chicks but it fell through. I ended up buying 3 more Cemanis from Meyer Hatchery. These new chicks are about 6 days younger than Spiderman but it all worked out.

Black Chick


Knowing the risk of receiving shipped hatching eggs is important. Some people are lucky with great hatch rates and others like me, not so good but I knew that risk.

I would probably do a few things differently, but that's easy to say in hindsight.

My goal was to add some rare breeds to my flock and I've accomplished that. Soon I will be breeding my own and no longer need to have eggs shipped and I will have a small selection of hard to get breeds available for people locally.

Some things to think about:

  • Ask questions of the seller/breeder: age of shipped eggs, how they are shipped, tested/certified flock, will they replace broken eggs, and anything else that is relevant to you.
  • There are many factors that go into a successful hatch and many are outside of your control like shipping conditions and handling.
  • Hatching shipped eggs can get expensive and be heartbreaking.
  • You might get the unexpected so be prepared.
  • This may be the only option if you are looking for specific breeds.
  • Especially with shipped eggs, let them go beyond day 21, I had many hatch on day 23. Many factors can cause this including "older eggs" and incubator conditions.
  • With detached air sacs, some may have problems hatching. If you choose to assist, some outcomes may not be good so be prepared. They will die without assistance but they may not make it anyway.
  • Know culling options. Hopefully you will never be faced with this decision but if you are, you will be prepared.
  • Do your research and go with what feels right to you.
  • Learn from your mistakes and don't make them again if you can help it.
pita pinta
chick & girl

Coexisting With A Rooster


Living with a rooster can be difficult, stressful, and wonderful ... all at the same time.

A rooster's number one role is to protect "his girls." When you have a young rooster, he is learning his role and acting on instinct.

My rooster Storm, is a perfect example. He is 6 months old at the time I'm writing this. He is with 2 Deathlayer pullets, and 3 Wyandotte hens. The Wyandottes are laying, the Deathlayers could start at any time.

Storm was fine until the Wyandottes started laying. I would not call it aggressive but very protective ... and he needed to figure out where I fit in. He postured a lot ... flapped his wings and stamped his feet. He charged at me a few times. Once I really made him mad. He was in the coop and everyone was in but one. I grabbed her (to put her in) she yelled, and he came running to her defense.

So, I don't turn my back on him and I don't trust him but we are developing an understanding that I think we can both live with.

I know if I upset one of his girls, he will get protective. I am prepared.

If anyone could saw me from a distance, I might look "insane" but when he "postured" I did it back ... flapped my arms (wings) and stamped my feet. He backed off.

Sophia holding Storm

I hatched Storm, so all he knows is me. He has always been sweet. He was 1 of 2 roosters that I hatched from that group. His brother Beast was the dominant rooster. Beast went to another home and storm stepped up.

I don't have a lot of experience with roosters but I am learning too.

When I let the flock out of the coop in the morning, I stand with them. At first, Storm was nervous and paced and wouldn't eat. He'd just watch me. I would stand there until he was comfortable enough to put his back to me and/or start eating. What used to take 10 minutes now takes less than one.

When I am outside the run, he follows me ... not out of fondness. I started giving him treats when I go to his run. I have a variety of herbs planted around the runs and they all love when I pick some and give it to them. Storm knows I have treats and will now take them from my hand when I'm inside the run. That is progress!

Today when I was cleaning his coop, he popped up in the door to see what I was doing. I talked to him and just kept cleaning. He watched for a few minutes then walked away.

I don't fully trust him, but I'm good with that. I wear my muck boots (no flip flops), long pants (no shorts) and my arms are covered ... just as precautions ... covered up, I know I'm okay and not afraid ... he knows I'm not afraid ... he's learning I am not a threat ... and we are reaching an understanding.

Lesson learned: Don't misunderstand protectiveness vs aggression. My techniques would likely not work with an aggressive rooster (and some are) but distinguish the behaviors  and respond accordingly.
