Meet “Smiles Pets4Vets” Rescue Dogs DeeDee and Biscuit

The Pawsitive Cause Project: Our mission is to raise funds to provide a 1 month supply of CBD oil for both DeeDee & Biscuit to assist them in becoming healthy and available for adoption. Pawsitively Well has donated the first 2 bottles of oil (a 1 month supply for each dog) Every dog matters! And you can make a difference one dog at a time.

Update on DeeDee and Biscuit: February 24 2020


Meet DeeDee, a 6 year old Mountain Cur mix. She was rescued from rural SW Virginia, where she was living in the trash dumpsters. She was extremely under-weight, with a lot of hair loss and had frost bite on her tail and ear tips.

The day after animal control picked her up, she gave birth to a single puppy who died 3 days later.

A volunteer reached out to Smiles Animal Rescue to see if they could take DeeDee into the rescue. They said yes and she has now been with the rescue for 2 years. Although adapting to her new life and loving care, her skin issues have not been resolved. She has had skin scrapings, medication, medicated baths with prescription and non-prescription shampoos and very expensive dog food, there has been no definitive diagnosis of the root cause.

DeeDee now has fuzz for hair and from a distance she looks so much better, but she continues to have hair loss with very flaky and dry skin.

She is a sweet girl that has been with the rescue for too long ad deserves a loving forever home of her own. We have hopes that the CBD oil will help to reduce her anxiety and bring her body into a healthy balanced state to alleviate the skin problems and hair loss.

DeeDee will be available for adoption through the Smiles Pets4Vets program once her skin issue is resolved.


Meet Biscut, a 5 year old Great Pyreness/Lab mix. He has a partial tear of his ACL in his right rear leg. He has been receiving Pulsed Electromagnetic Field therapy (PEMF) 2x a week. PEMF uses burts of low level electromagnetic radiation to heal damaged tissue and bone. Although surgery was an option, the rescue chose PEMF because the veterinarian was concerned that he would not stay quiet enough for the surgery to be successful.

Biscuit is a super sweet guy that was surrendered to a small rural shelter due to a divorce along with his liter mate sister, Luna. They are a bonded pair and the shelter could not find a home for them together, so the rescue was asked to take them as their time was running out.

They will be available for adoption as a pair, once Biscuit's leg heals. We are very excited to see how CBD oil will help in his recovery.

How CBD Oil Can Help

All mammals have an Endocannabinoid System (ECS), which responds to CBD.

The ECS regulates the body’s systems to maintain homoeostasis: the state of balance necessary for healthy functions. Homeostatic processes govern blood sugar levels, internal temperature, pH levels of blood, regulation of water and minerals in the body and the removal of metabolic waste.

CBD helps the body maintain homeostasis so that it can function at its maximum capacity. When a body is in homeostasis it has the capacity to better heal itself.

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DeeDee & Biscuit